Late 19th Century Antique & Vintage Clothes and Accessories

Found 83 For Sale and Sold    ( 14 for sale  69 sold )  
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Victorian Mother Of Pearl Cigar Case. £135 $170.38   €162.74 Victorian Mother Of Pearl Cigar Case. F10 Antiques Antique McDonalds Rotary Hat Iron, American£395 $498.53   €476.17 Antique McDonald's Rotary Hat Iron, AmericanLondon Fine Antiques Antique Dressmakers Mannequin Dummy By Stockman£480 $605.81   €578.64 Antique Dressmakers Mannequin Dummy By StockmanArt Furniture Pair Of Turkish/Ottoman Bathing Clogs£85 $107.28   €102.47 Pair Of Turkish/Ottoman Bathing ClogsPark Lane Antiques
Late Victorian Boot/Shoe Trees (2)£108 $136.31   €130.19 Late Victorian Boot/Shoe Trees (2)D And A Binder Ltd Victorian Hand Embroidered Silk Apron Maids  Pinney£110 $138.83   €132.61 Victorian Hand Embroidered Silk Apron Maids PinneyRams Head Antiques Pair Of 19thC French Painted Pine Mannequin Legs£695.00 $877.16   €837.82 Pair Of 19thC French Painted Pine Mannequin LegsDoe And Hope  Antique Baby Dress, Lace Bonnet & Chemise£35.00 $44.17   €42.19 Antique Baby Dress, Lace Bonnet & ChemiseAntique Rarities
A Charming Old French Shop Display Mannequin £595 $750.95   €717.27 A Charming Old French Shop Display Mannequin Elmgarden Antique French Mannequin£180 $227.18   €216.99 Antique French MannequinHubert Antiques Embroidered Silk Canton Shawl Exotic Birds Flowers£450.00 $567.95   €542.48 Embroidered Silk Canton Shawl Exotic Birds FlowersAntique Rarities 1900 Black Velvet Opera Cape Eastern Influence£750.00 $946.58   €904.13 1900 Black Velvet Opera Cape Eastern InfluenceAntique Rarities
Art Nouveau Brass & Mother Of Pearl Buttons.£40 $50.48   €48.22 Art Nouveau Brass & Mother Of Pearl Buttons.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Four Brass & Enamel Art Nouveau Buttons.£40 $50.48   €48.22 Four Brass & Enamel Art Nouveau Buttons.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Late Victorian Boot / Shoe Trees (1)£108 $136.31   €130.19 Late Victorian Boot / Shoe Trees (1)D And A Binder Ltd Stunning Victorian Paisley Woollen Shawl / Throw  Stunning Victorian Paisley Woollen Shawl / ThrowHobson May Collection
19th Century Handwoven Woolen Paisley Shawl  19th Century Handwoven Woolen Paisley ShawlHobson May Collection Good Victorian Paisley Shawl£490 $618.43   €590.7 Good Victorian Paisley ShawlRams Head Antiques Victorian Smokers Hat - Worn By Sherlock Holmes?  Victorian Smoker's Hat - Worn By Sherlock Holmes?Antique Rarities  Mannequin, Dressmakers Dummy, Wasp Waist  Mannequin, Dressmakers Dummy, Wasp WaistDesdemona Postlethwaite Antiques
Cobblers Apprentice Piece£155 $195.63   €186.85 Cobblers Apprentice PieceNewsum Antiques Rare Antique Child Articulated Stockman Mannequin   Rare Antique Child Articulated Stockman Mannequin Eras Of Style Victorian Skirt Lifter£85 $107.28   €102.47 Victorian Skirt LifterPark Lane Antiques Late 19thC Wasp  Waisted Mannequin By Wells & Son£680.00 $858.23   €819.74 Late 19thC Wasp Waisted Mannequin By Wells & SonDoe And Hope
19th Century Chinese Silk Embroidered Robe£395 $498.53   €476.17 19th Century Chinese Silk Embroidered RobeRams Head Antiques Pair Of Circa 1900 Childs Leather Shoes/ Clogs  Pair Of Circa 1900 Childs Leather Shoes/ ClogsHunter Campbell Antiques Victorian English Country House Footmans Uniform£895 $1129.58   €1078.92 Victorian English Country House Footman's UniformJMR Antiques Ltd. Victorian Bodice In Cotton And Velvet, Late 19th C£65 $82.04   €78.36 Victorian Bodice In Cotton And Velvet, Late 19th CTextiles And Stuff
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