Late 19th Century Architectural Antiques - Salvage - Reclamation

Found 479 For Sale and Sold    ( 162 for sale  317 sold )  
Adorable Carved Wooden Cherub Wall Hanging C.1880  Adorable Carved Wooden Cherub Wall Hanging C.1880Puckerings Antiques Pair Of Art Nouveau Stained Glass Panels£395.00 $509.19   €470.72 Pair Of Art Nouveau Stained Glass PanelsLemon Tree Antiques Pretty Art Nouveau Stained Glass Window  Pretty Art Nouveau Stained Glass WindowElmgarden Brucciani Floral Plaster Plaque£95 $122.46   €113.21 Brucciani Floral Plaster PlaqueRod Naylor Antiques
Brucciani Plaster Eye And Nose, From Antiquity£75 $96.68   €89.38 Brucciani Plaster Eye And Nose, From AntiquityRod Naylor Antiques Brucciani Plaster Figure, Nose And Mouth,£95 $122.46   €113.21 Brucciani Plaster Figure, Nose And Mouth,Rod Naylor Antiques Pair Of 19thC. French Window Grills£125 $161.14   €148.96 Pair Of 19thC. French Window GrillsDebden Antiques And Interiors Victorian Pre-raphaelite Stained Glass Of A Scribe  Victorian Pre-raphaelite Stained Glass Of A ScribeArt Furniture
Set  10 Antique Arts & Crafts Copper Door Handles  Set 10 Antique Arts & Crafts Copper Door HandlesMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Pair Of Chestnut Carved And Painted Panels£45 $58.01   €53.63 Pair Of Chestnut Carved And Painted PanelsRod Naylor Antiques Large Antique Cast Iron Cross   Large Antique Cast Iron Cross Eras Of Style 19th Century Fox Weathervane  19th Century Fox WeathervanePrichard Antiques
19thC. French Wrought Iron Window Grills£85 $109.57   €101.29 19thC. French Wrought Iron Window GrillsDebden Antiques And Interiors Trio Of 19thC Oak & Iron Beach Groyne Timbers£875.00 $1127.96   €1042.74 Trio Of 19thC Oak & Iron Beach Groyne TimbersDoe And Hope Antique Leaded Light Door   Antique Leaded Light Door Eras Of Style Seven Tube Lined English Art Nouveau Tiles  Seven Tube Lined English Art Nouveau TilesKadensek And Ward
19thC. Terracotta Brick Insert£36 $46.41   €42.9 19thC. Terracotta Brick InsertDebden Antiques And Interiors Art Nouveau Stained Glass Panel Pre Raphaelite  Art Nouveau Stained Glass Panel Pre RaphaeliteLevels Antiques Antique Victorian Bath Chaise   Antique Victorian Bath Chaise Eras Of Style Brass Fire Station Sign£850 $1095.74   €1012.95 Brass Fire Station SignMartlesham Antiques
Front Pew Panel/Modesty Boards In Oak  Front Pew Panel/Modesty Boards In OakSunnyside Antiques Victorian Ebony Beehive Doorknobs  Victorian Ebony Beehive DoorknobsKadensek And Ward Victorian Wrought Iron Churn Cart.£195 $251.37   €232.38 Victorian Wrought Iron Churn Cart.Collinge Antiques Four Victorian Stained Glass Panels£1140.00 $1469.57   €1358.54 Four Victorian Stained Glass PanelsWoodys Antiques
Antique French Cast Iron Cross  Antique French Cast Iron CrossEras Of Style 19th.c. Painted Wagon Sign.£295 $380.28   €351.55 19th.c. Painted Wagon Sign.Collinge Antiques Arts & Crafts Stained Glass Window  Arts & Crafts Stained Glass WindowKadensek And Ward Arts & Crafts Plated Copper Fish Finger Plate  Arts & Crafts Plated Copper Fish Finger PlateRed House Antiques