Late 19th Century Architectural Antiques - Salvage - Reclamation

Found 479 For Sale and Sold    ( 162 for sale  317 sold )  
Dutch Pinocchio Coat Hooks£220.00 $283.6   €262.17 Dutch Pinocchio Coat HooksWoodys Antiques Cast Iron Lamp Post With Swan Neck Top.  Cast Iron Lamp Post With Swan Neck Top.Sunnyside Antiques Bamfords Industrial Cast Iron Wheel£79 $101.84   €94.14 'Bamfords' Industrial Cast Iron WheelDebden Antiques And Interiors 19th Century Plaque With Royal Coat Of Arms  19th Century Plaque With Royal Coat Of ArmsHobson May Collection
Victorian Mahogany Towel Holder£275 $354.5   €327.72 Victorian Mahogany Towel HolderSantiago Ventura Antiques Stained Leaded Glass Painted Window Panel C1900   £125 $161.14   €148.96 Stained Leaded Glass Painted Window Panel C1900 Vintage Rug Company Ltd French External Door£495.00 $638.1   €589.89 French External DoorAntiques And Architectural Pair Of Late 19th Serpentine Marble Columns£2450.00 $3158.3   €2919.67 Pair Of Late 19th Serpentine Marble ColumnsLVS Decorative Arts
Antique Falcon Blue & White Toilet And Seat  Antique Falcon Blue & White Toilet And SeatEras Of Style Pitch Pine Door With Stained Glass Panels   Pitch Pine Door With Stained Glass Panels Elmgarden A Late 19th Century Serpentine Marble Column  A Late 19th Century Serpentine Marble ColumnShackladys Antiques Late 19th Century Serpentine Marble Column  Late 19th Century Serpentine Marble ColumnShackladys Antiques
French 19th Century Green Serpentine Marble Column  French 19th Century Green Serpentine Marble ColumnLVS Decorative Arts Elm Planks, Timber, Rustic Boards£120 $154.69   €143 Elm Planks, Timber, Rustic BoardsRod Naylor Antiques Pair Stone Finials  Pair Stone FinialsNethermill Antiques Bronze Victorian Door Knocker£245 $315.83   €291.97 Bronze Victorian Door KnockerPendle Antiques
Liberty & Co Stoneware Jardiniere  Liberty & Co Stoneware JardiniereRed House Antiques Set Of 11 Antique Brass Stair Rods & Clips  Set Of 11 Antique Brass Stair Rods & ClipsAntique Furniture Direct Pair Of Victorian Cast Iron Window Guards   Pair Of Victorian Cast Iron Window Guards Shackladys Antiques Pair Of Shutters£500 $644.55   €595.85 Pair Of ShuttersPuckhaber Decorative Antiques
Gothic Church Door Lock C.1900£450.00 $580.1   €536.27 Gothic Church Door Lock C.1900Old Bakery Antiques Terracotta Glazed Edgings  Terracotta Glazed EdgingsBrookside Antiques Porcelain Baby Bath On Painted Stand C.1880.£275 $354.5   €327.72 Porcelain Baby Bath On Painted Stand C.1880.Collinge Antiques French Late 19th Century Green Serpentine Column  French Late 19th Century Green Serpentine ColumnLVS Decorative Arts
Set Of 28 Antique Brass Stair Rods And Clips £350 $451.19   €417.1 Set Of 28 Antique Brass Stair Rods And Clips Aylmer Fine Art Victorian Coat Hooks In Mahogany£45 $58.01   €53.63 Victorian Coat Hooks In MahoganyNimbus Antiques Victorian Mahogany Coat Hooks£50 $64.46   €59.59 Victorian Mahogany Coat HooksNimbus Antiques Victorian Mahogany Coat Hooks£60 $77.35   €71.5 Victorian Mahogany Coat HooksNimbus Antiques