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Witch Antiques
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Second floor, Unit 22B,
Higher Walton Mill, Higher Walton Rd,
Higher Walton, Preston
Lancashire PR5 4DJ
By appointment only, please ring or email.
BarrelBowlsCopper KettlesEnamelGingerbread MouldAntique Miscellaneous KitchenaliaNutcrackersPestleSamavarScalesTea PotPans and Cauldrons
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for sale
Found 13 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (15 Archived/Sold)
Victorian Copper Kettle
$299.76 €290.99
Antique Enamelled Bin
$776.92 €754.19
Victorian Copper Tea Urn
$275.29 €267.23
Victorian Copper Kettle
$299.76 €290.99
Victorian Brass Jam Pan
$201.88 €195.97
Copper Cooking Vessel
$152.94 €148.46
Victorian Copper Kettle
$201.88 €195.97
Set Of Three Cunard White Star Mixing Bowls
$917.63 €890.78
African Pestle
$226.35 €219.72
Oak Gingerbread Mould
$116.23 €112.83
Victorian Britannia Metal Tea Pot
$226.35 €219.72
Late Victorian Tea Pot
$165.17 €160.34