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Walton House Antiques
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The Walton Building
The Square, Mere
Wiltshire BA12 6DL
Open: 9.30am-5.30pm Mon-Sat.
Antique Boxes
Carved BoxesAntique Decanter BoxesDecorative BoxesJewellery BoxesSewing BoxesTea CaddiesTobacco BoxesWriting SlopesCasketsCigar BoxesSnuff BoxesWine Coolers
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for sale
Found 16 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (24 Archived/Sold)
Georgian Tea Chest With Solid Silver Handle
$864.54 €825.77
George II Laburnum Tea Chest
$1874.22 €1790.17
George III Octagonal Satinwood Tea Caddy
$1003.37 €958.37
Rare 18th Century Mahogany Two Bottle Carrier
$2391.68 €2284.42
Early 19th Century Mahogany Inlaid Tea Caddy
$561.63 €536.45
William IV Silver And Agate Snuff Box
$864.54 €825.77
George III Oval Harewood Tea Caddy
$1325.21 €1265.78
Early Victorian Rosewood Perfume Box
$372.32 €355.62
18th Century Mahogany And Ebony Tea Chest
$725.71 €693.16
19th Century Mahogany And Ebony Inlaid Tea Caddy
$750.95 €717.27
Fine 19th Century Kingwood And Ormolu Mounted Casket
$2013.05 €1922.77
Mid 18th Century Japaned Tea Chest
$1886.84 €1802.22