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Found 16 Archived/Sold items, displaying 1 to 12. (0 For Sale)
Set Of 6 Silver Apostle Spoons & Sugar Tongs 1908
SOLD £95.00
SOLD $119.87 €114.05
Cased Set Of 6 Silver Spoons, Sheffield 1931
SOLD £68.00
SOLD $85.8 €81.63
Monogrammed Cased Set Of 6 Silver Spoons, 1923
SOLD £68.00
SOLD $85.8 €81.63
Mappin & Webb Silver Collar Crystal Decanter
SOLD £95.00
SOLD $119.87 €114.05
Silver Plated Copenhagen Spoon Factory Ladle Spoon
SOLD £45.00
SOLD $56.78 €54.02
Silver Mounted Red Serpentine Marble Match Holder
SOLD £145.00
SOLD $182.96 €174.07
Silver Mounted Red Serpentine Marble Pin Dish
SOLD £125.00
SOLD $157.73 €150.06
6 Silver Turner & Simpson Enamelled Teaspoons 1924
SOLD £145.00
SOLD $182.96 €174.07
Egon Lauridsen Danish Silver & Enamel Fork Set
SOLD £175.00
SOLD $220.82 €210.09
Egon Lauridsen Danish Gilt Silver & Enamel Spoons
SOLD £145.00
SOLD $182.96 €174.07
Boxed & Stylish Georg Jensen Silver Cufflinks
SOLD £275.00
SOLD $347 €330.14
Pair Of Hallmarked Silver Brushes, Birmingham 1902
SOLD £35.00
SOLD $44.16 €42.02