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Private Art dealer
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Kent, England, UK
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Pr.Jugendstil Copper & Brass Vases Ostrich Handles

We are delighted to offer for sale this large pair of Jugendstil Vases in Copper and Brass, which are, in all probability, German. They are unmarked, but owe a lot to the Jugendstil/WMF tradition. We did wonder whether, as WMF used the ostrich as its mark, whether they were by that company, or another using their ostrich motif.The copper bodies of the vases have been gently planished with a decorative embossed section at the bottom on the front and back, with the top rim, and both of the wonderfully stylised ostrich handles, in brass.
In 1896 in Munich was a magazine created by Georg Hirth called 'Die Jugend' of The Youth, which sought to bring out a new style from artists and architects and so Jugendstil or Style of the Youth was born. This happened in Germany and Austria, at a time when the Art Nouveau and Arts & Crafts movements were springing up in other countries in Europe.
Height to rim: 13 3/4" 35cm
Height to top of beak: 15 1/4" - 38.75cm
Max. width across birds: 8" - 20.25
Diameter of base: 6 3/8" - 16.25cm
Weight: 1.68kg each
Materials: Copper and Brass
Condition: Very good. There is no apparent damage.
DateArts and Crafts
MakerWMF Jugendstil
PriceSold. Sold prices are confidential, so please don't ask.
SellerStudio RT Ltd
Telephone01622 812556Non UK callers :+44 1622 812556
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