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Found 148 Archived/Sold items, displaying 1 to 12. (0 For Sale)
A Georgian Mahogany Bow Front Chest
SOLD £395
SOLD $501.26 €478.58
Cadbury’s Sweet Shop Display Cabinet
SOLD £595
SOLD $755.06 €720.9
Victorian Ebonised & Inlaid Walnut Credenza
SOLD £495
SOLD $628.16 €599.74
Delightful Georgian Mahogany Cellarette
SOLD £495
SOLD $628.16 €599.74
Art Deco Walnut Veneer Miniature Set Of Drawers
SOLD £225
SOLD $285.53 €272.61
George Lll Mahogany Cellarette
SOLD £395
SOLD $501.26 €478.58
Edwardian Mahogany Cylinder Desk
SOLD £275
SOLD $348.98 €333.19
George III Oak Low Boy , Side Table
SOLD £185
SOLD $234.77 €224.15
Early 20th Century Carved Oak Bench
SOLD £295
SOLD $374.36 €357.42
Early 20th Century Globe Wernicke Bookcase
SOLD £295
SOLD $374.36 €357.42
Georgian Flame Mahogany Bureau
SOLD £185
SOLD $234.77 €224.15
A Fine Early 19th C Country Oak Dresser And Rack
SOLD £390
SOLD $494.91 €472.52