Late 18th Century Georgian Oak Salt Box

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A quality Georgian oak salt and candle box with brass hinges, lift up top and lower drawer, a charming piece that will hang on the wall, one minor repair to rear panel 23cm wide, 40cm High,21 depth
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DateLate 18th Century Dimensions23cm wide, 40cm High,21 depth Conditiongood condition, minor repair to rear panel, check photo Codeas712a1003 Price £195.00     232.93     $239.91    The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 9/JAN/2025.
Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
StatusFor Sale SellerLincolnshire Antiques Telephone01522 852150 or 07812586777Non UK callers :+44 1522 852150 or +44


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