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Bradford, West Yorkshire
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Found 208 Archived/Sold items, displaying 61 to 72. (72 For Sale)
Worcester Strawberry Pattern Trio & Tea Plate
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Gilt Decorated Caughley Teabowl And Saucer C1790
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
18th Century English Delft Tea Canister
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Locally Decorated Swansea Teacup & Saucer C1816
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Barr Flight & Barr Worcester Coffee Can C1810
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Barr Flight & Barr Worcester Cup C1810
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Spode Teacup & Saucer C1810, G. Fisk Collection
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
New Hall Pattern 1153 Trio Circa 1815-1820
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Flight Period Worcester Bluebell Pattern Trio
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
William Billingsley Decorated Swansea Cup & Saucer
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Rare Large Royal Rockingham Trio C1830-31
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking
Doulton Lambeth Slaters Patent Jug C1891-1914
SOLD The price includes Royal Mail shipping with full insurance and tracking