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Near Wellington
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Found 499 Archived/Sold items, displaying 49 to 60. (0 For Sale)
19th Century Windsor Armchair
SOLD £280
SOLD $359.77 €327.29
6 Windsor Kitchen Chairs
SOLD £625
SOLD $803.06 €730.56
19th Century Planked Elm Coffer
SOLD £425
SOLD $546.08 €496.78
20th Century Solid Oak Centre Table
SOLD £245
SOLD $314.8 €286.38
18th Century Planked Elm Coffer
SOLD £475
SOLD $610.33 €555.23
Smokers Bow Chair
SOLD £220
SOLD $282.68 €257.16
19th Century Scumbled Pine Coffer
SOLD £320
SOLD $411.17 €374.05
Georgian Mahogany Side Table
SOLD £325
SOLD $417.59 €379.89
Small Dovetailed Oak Trunk
SOLD £120
SOLD $154.19 €140.27
Rustic Elm Trunk
SOLD £345
SOLD $443.29 €403.27
Victorian Mahogany Chiffonier
SOLD £165
SOLD $212.01 €192.87
Georgian Mahogany Lowboy
SOLD £580
SOLD $745.24 €677.96