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Near Wellington
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Found 499 Archived/Sold items, displaying 145 to 156. (0 For Sale)
19th Century Lowback Windsor Armchair
SOLD £295
SOLD $381.23 €344.56
Georgian Oak Side Table
SOLD £340
SOLD $439.38 €397.12
18th Century Oak Side Table
SOLD £525
SOLD $678.46 €613.2
Victorian Pine Trunk
SOLD £345
SOLD $445.84 €402.96
Georgian Elm Corner Chair
SOLD £265
SOLD $342.46 €309.52
Jacobean Style Solid Oak Stool With Lift Up Lid.
SOLD £165
SOLD $213.23 €192.72
Country Stool
SOLD £185
SOLD $239.08 €216.08
Georgian Mahogany Side Table
SOLD £365
SOLD $471.69 €426.32
19th Century Mahogany Stool
SOLD £165
SOLD $213.23 €192.72
18th Century Elm Coffer
SOLD £395
SOLD $510.46 €461.36
Small Mahogany Table
SOLD £225
SOLD $290.77 €262.8
Oak Silver Chest
SOLD £345
SOLD $445.84 €402.96