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Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Tel : 01524 241716, Mob: 07864 104004
Proprietors: Miles and Rebecca Griffiths
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Private dealer
Online and by appointment only,
Yorkshire Dales National Park, North Yorkshire
Open: By appointment only, please ring or email with all enquiries.
For Sale
for sale
Found 136 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (6156 Archived/Sold)
Irish 19th Century Antique Wall Clock – Working
$369.43 €354.09
Heals 1920’s Oak Pedestal Desk – Labelled
$1095.76 €1050.26
Pair Heals London Antique Oak Carver Dining Chairs
$870.35 €834.21
Heals Edwardian Antique Oak Chest Of Drawers – Sta
$1496.5 €1434.36
19th C Antique Grotto Terracotta Garden Chair
$2191.53 €2100.53
Rare 18th C Original Painted Pine Tregaron Dresser
$2316.76 €2220.56
Large Deep Framed 19th C Antique Oak Wall Mirror
$995.58 €954.24
Cumbrian 19th Century Antique Pine Bench Seat
$1120.81 €1074.27
Fabulous English 19th C Antique Apothecary Chest
$2441.99 €2340.59
Antique Cumbrian Oak Cake Kitchen Hanging Rack
$870.35 €834.21
English Late 18th C Antique Kitchen Food Cupboard
$1471.45 €1410.35
Superb Large Early 19th C Antique Dining Table
$5948.43 €5701.43
![irish 19th century wall clock working Irish 19th Century Antique Wall Clock Working](
![heals 1920s oak pedestal desk labelled Heals 1920s Oak Pedestal Desk Labelled](
![pair heals london oak carver dining chairs Pair Heals London Antique Oak Carver Dining Chairs](
![heals edwardian oak chest of drawers sta Heals Edwardian Antique Oak Chest of Drawers Sta](
![19th c grotto terracotta garden chair 19th C Antique Grotto Terracotta Garden Chair](
![rare 18th c original painted pine tregaron dresser Rare 18th C Original Painted Pine Tregaron Dresser](
![large deep framed 19th c oak wall mirror Large Deep Framed 19th C Antique Oak Wall Mirror](
![cumbrian 19th century pine bench seat Cumbrian 19th Century Antique Pine Bench Seat](
![fabulous english 19th c apothecary chest Fabulous English 19th C Antique Apothecary Chest](
![cumbrian oak cake kitchen hanging rack Antique Cumbrian Oak Cake Kitchen Hanging Rack](
![english late 18th c kitchen food cupboard English Late 18th C Antique Kitchen Food Cupboard](
![superb large early 19th c dining table Superb Large Early 19th C Antique Dining Table](