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Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Tel : 01524 241716, Mob: 07864 104004
Proprietors: Miles and Rebecca Griffiths
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Private dealer
Online and by appointment only,
Yorkshire Dales National Park, North Yorkshire
Open: By appointment only, please ring or email with all enquiries.
CandlesticksCheese BoardsAntique Treen Cheese HoldersDairy Butter PrintsAntique Duck DecoysHat BlocksTreen Jars Pots ContainersAntique Keg CapsTreen BoxesLadles and SpoonsTreen Tankards and CupsTreenware StandsAntique Wood CarvingsBowls and Plates
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Found 90 Archived/Sold items, displaying 1 to 12. (1 For Sale)
Very Large 19th C Antique Sycamore Dairy Bowl
Rare Welsh 18th Century Antique Spoon Rack & Spoon
Pair Of Primitive 19th Cen Antique Decoy Pigeons
Treen 19th Century Antique Boxwood Spice Tower
18th Century Welsh Antique Oak Spoon Rack
19th Century Antique Treen Barrel In One Piece
Large English 19th C Antique Sycamore Dairy Bowl
Rare Set Of Four 19thC Antique Box Wood Moulds
18thC Welsh Antique Cheese Stand In Original Paint
Pair Of English Edwardian Antique Decoy Pigeons
English 19th Century Antique Decoy Pigeon
English 19th Century Antique Sycamore Dairy Bowl
![very large 19th c sycamore dairy bowl Very Large 19th C Antique Sycamore Dairy Bowl](
![rare welsh 18th century spoon rack spoon Rare Welsh 18th Century Antique Spoon Rack Spoon](
![pair of primitive 19th cen decoy pigeons Pair of Primitive 19th Cen Antique Decoy Pigeons](
![treen 19th century boxwood spice tower Treen 19th Century Antique Boxwood Spice Tower](
![18th century welsh oak 18th Century Welsh Antique Oak](
![19th century treen bar 19th Century Antique Treen Bar](
![large english 19th c s Large English 19th C Antique S](
![rare set of four 19thc Rare Set of Four 19thC Antique](
![18thc welsh cheese sta 18thC Welsh Antique Cheese Sta](
![pair of english edwardian anti Pair of English Edwardian Anti](
![english 19th century d English 19th Century Antique D](
![english 19th century s English 19th Century Antique S](