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Marvellous Furniture
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169 High Road
Nottingham, NG9 5BA
Open: Tuesday - Friday 9.30 - 5pm, Saturday 10-4pm.
An Art Deco Walnut Side Cabinet
Made of extravagantly figured walnut, and standing on an ebonised plinth, this Art Deco cabinet has an arrangement of four drawers and a cupboard, each with an ebonised handle. The back is finished to an equally high standard as the other sides.It is ensuite with a desk - see An Art Deco Walnut Partners' Desk in the Marvellous Furniture stock.
DateArt Deco
Dimensions71cm wide, 77cm high and 47.5cm deep.
ConditionIn very good condition having been refinished and repolished where necessary. It comes with its original locks and key. The handles and plinth have been re-ebonised. Inside the cupboard there was once a shelf, now missing, that could be replaced if required.
Price SOLD £495.00
SellerMarvellous Furniture
Telephone07887 366997Non UK callers :+44 7887 366997
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