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Marvellous Furniture
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169 High Road
Nottingham, NG9 5BA
Open: Tuesday - Friday 9.30 - 5pm, Saturday 10-4pm.
Six Arts & Crafts Oak Dining Chairs
Of simple and pleasing form, these Arts & Crafts dining chairs are made of oak and have drop-in seats. The front legs taper and the back ones sweep back, whilst the backs are made up of six narrow slats. Each chair is stamped '4042' and 'Rd. No. 555349'.DateArts and Crafts :
Arts & Crafts
Dimensions105.5cm high, 45cm wide and 50cm deep.
ConditionThe chairs are handsome, sturdy and solid and the seats are in good condition. They have taken various small knocks in their lives and have a few watermarks, but these are not particularly unsightly because of the light colour of the wood. One leg had some old woodworm that has been treated and causes no structural problems.
Price SOLD £595.00
SellerMarvellous Furniture
Telephone07887 366997Non UK callers :+44 7887 366997
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