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Leslie and Baggott
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The Keepers House,
Castle Douglas, Scotland, DG7 1QZ
Open by appointment.
Bedroom FurnitureBenchesChairsChestsStoolsOccasional / Side / Other TablesBedsBookcases / SecretairesCabinetsChest of DrawersCountry ChairsCupboardsDesks / Writing TablesDining Chairs / Chair SetsDining Tables / Dining FurnitureGames TablesWall FurnitureMiscellaneous FurnitureSofas / Settees / Salon SuitesSideboards, Credenzas, ChiffoniersStands / Hall FurnitureWardrobes
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for sale
Found 127 For Sale items, displaying 97 to 108. (9 Archived/Sold)
Dutch Satinwood Encoignure, Or Corner Cabinet
$1608.5 €1494.13
Hepplewhite Satinwood Serpentine Pembroke Table
$5726.26 €5319.09
Yew And Elm Stick Back Child's Windsor Chair
$836.42 €776.95
Ebonised Upholstered Stool
$598.36 €555.81
Chinese Red Lacquer Elm Half Table
$958.67 €890.5
Small Italian Country Walnut Chair
$701.31 €651.44
Dwarf Rosewood Chiffonier
$1865.86 €1733.19
Painted Pine Luggage Stand
$508.29 €472.14
A Victorian Satin Birch Compactum
$4182.1 €3884.73
19th C Hand Painted Scumbled Pine Chest Of Drawers
$1125.95 €1045.89
Colonial Padauk Chest Of Drawers
$1865.86 €1733.19
Mahogany Occasional Table
$675.57 €627.53