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Leslie and Baggott
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The Keepers House,
Castle Douglas, Scotland, DG7 1QZ
Open by appointment.
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Found 127 For Sale items, displaying 37 to 48. (9 Archived/Sold)
Edwardian Mahogany Spider-leg Pembroke Table
$1865.86 €1733.19
Anglo-Indian Rosewood Stool
$1865.86 €1733.19
Louis XV1 Style Bureau Plat By Edwards & Roberts,
$16085 €14941.25
Aesthetic Movement Walnut Table
$752.78 €699.25
Tall Oak Standing Desk
$579.06 €537.89
Dutch Walnut Display Cabinet
$2123.22 €1972.25
Pair 18th C Portuguese Tall-back Rosewood Side Chairs
$6369.66 €5916.74
Regency Rosewood Pedestal Jardiniere Stand
$3152.66 €2928.49
English Oak Gordon Russell Lygon Dressing Table
$5983.62 €5558.15
Yew Wood Lowback Windsor Chair
$1608.5 €1494.13
Yew Highback Windsor Chair
$1608.5 €1494.13
Georgian High Stickback Oxfordshire Windsor Chair
$2637.94 €2450.37