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Devon, England
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Found 16 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (109 Archived/Sold)
Small Vernacular Elm And Pine Coffer, C.1800
$372.53 €357.69
Large 18th Century Oak Wall Cupboard
$751.37 €721.44
17th Century Oak Six Plank Coffer
$1104.95 €1060.94
George II Mahogany Bachelors Chest, C.1750
$1452.22 €1394.38
19th Century Walnut Barley Twist Wall Shelf
$536.69 €515.31
Small George III Mahogany Chest Of Drawers
$1389.08 €1333.75
George III Oak Writing Table
$688.23 €660.81
Regency Mahogany Brass Mounted Dumb Waiter, C.1820
$877.65 €842.69
Chippendale Period Mahogany Writing Desk C.1760-80
$2841.3 €2728.13
Pair Of Mahogany Arm Chairs Manner Of E W Godwin
$1389.08 €1333.75
Large Regency Brass Inlaid Mahogany Bookcase
$3472.7 €3334.38
Regency Ebonised And Parcel Gilt Tri-Form Etagere
$498.81 €478.94