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For Sale
for sale
Found 136 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (974 Archived/Sold)
Rare 'Berrys Patent' Silver/Leather Vesta.L1866
$272.58 €264.24
Asprey Cranberry Overlay Glass Vase.Ldn.2013
$241.61 €234.21
Silver Sliding / Propelling Pencil By Samson Morden
$272.58 €264.24
Edwardian Silver Propelling Pencil B.1903
$105.32 €102.09
Pair Edwardian Silver Napkin Rings B.1903
$136.29 €132.12
15ct Gold & Diamond Etruscan Revival Brooch
$365.51 €354.32
9ct Gold,Amethyst,Seed Peral Brooch
$241.61 €234.21
Silver Mounted Glass Crossover Oil & Vinegar
$229.22 €222.2
Blue Rock Crystal & Silver Bracelet.c.1950/60
$272.58 €264.24
Silver Art Nouveau Card/Letter Holder Ldn.1904
$84.25 €81.67
Early Worcester Tea Bowl & Saucer.c.1785
$105.32 €102.09
Bohemian White Overlay Cranberry Glass Vase.
$92.93 €90.08
![rare berrys patent silverleather vestal1866 Rare Berrys Patent SilverLeather VestaL1866](
![asprey cranberry overlay glass vaseldn2013 Asprey Cranberry Overlay Glass VaseLdn2013](
![silver slidingpropelling pencil by samson morden Silver SlidingPropelling Pencil by Samson Morden](
![edwardian silver propelling pencil b1903 Edwardian Silver Propelling Pencil B1903](
![pair edwardian silver napkin rings b1903 Pair Edwardian Silver Napkin Rings B1903](
![15ct gold diamond etruscan revival brooch 15ct Gold Diamond Etruscan Revival Brooch](
![9ct goldamethystseed peral brooch 9ct GoldAmethystSeed Peral Brooch](
![silver mounted glass crossover oil vinegar Silver Mounted Glass Crossover Oil Vinegar](
![blue rock crystal silver braceletc195060 Blue Rock Crystal Silver Braceletc195060](
![silver art nouveau cardletter holder ldn1904 Silver Art Nouveau CardLetter Holder Ldn1904](
![early worcester tea bowl saucerc1785 Early Worcester Tea Bowl Saucerc1785](
![bohemian white overlay cranberry glass vase Bohemian White Overlay Cranberry Glass Vase](