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Devon TQ1 3RT
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Found 37 Archived/Sold items, displaying 1 to 12. (18 For Sale)
A Good & Large Imari Charger Circa 1875
SOLD £475
SOLD $600.45 €573.23
Exceptional Imari Plate, Circa 1850
SOLD £450
SOLD $568.85 €543.06
A Good & Large Imari Charger
SOLD £750
SOLD $948.08 €905.1
A Good And Large Imari Charger Circa 1880
SOLD £890
SOLD $1125.05 €1074.05
Imari Charger, Meiji Period, Circa 1890
SOLD £950
SOLD $1200.9 €1146.46
Pair Of Jardinières Circa 1900
SOLD £375
SOLD $474.04 €452.55
Good & Large Imari Charger, Circa 1900
SOLD £280
SOLD $353.95 €337.9
A Pair Of Trumpet Shaped Imari Vases, Circa 1900
SOLD £180
SOLD $227.54 €217.22
A Pair Of Moorcroft Vases And Covers
SOLD £375
SOLD $474.04 €452.55
Ribbed & Moulded Imari Vase, Circa 1900
SOLD £280
SOLD $353.95 €337.9
Decorative Imari Vase & Cover, Circa 1910
SOLD £180
SOLD $227.54 €217.22
Pair Of Satsuma Vases , Circa 1910
SOLD £350
SOLD $442.44 €422.38