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North Yorkshire
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Arms and Militaria
For Sale
for sale
Found 7 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 7. (22 Archived/Sold)
19th C French Military Officer's Brandy Flask
$180.26 €172.93
Fine Roman Gladius, Mid 1st C AD
$3729.6 €3577.8
WWI Trench Art Wooden Photo Frame
$105.67 €101.37
Late 15h-early 16th C Personal Knife
$155.4 €149.08
C1475-1500 Large Single Edged Dagger
$404.04 €387.6
1770s Silver Mounted French Hunting Dirk
$615.38 €590.34
15th C German Hunting Knife (Bauernwehr)
$590.52 €566.49
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