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Eras of Style Antiques
Proprietors: Andrew and Christine Towle
Tel : 07974178760
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Planters Garden Centre
Orchard Farm, London Road, Hurst Green
East Sussex
England TN19 7QS
Open: Open 7 days a week Mon to Sat 8am-530 and Sunday 9.30–4.30.
Found 39 Archived/Sold items, displaying 25 to 36. (0 For Sale)
Antique Taxidermy Rams Head
Large Antique Stags Head
Vintage 1930s Taxidermy Head
Vintage 1930s Antelope Head
Antique Taxidermy Black Forest Doe's Head
Two Pairs Of Antique Antlers /horns
Antique Water Buffalo Skull /horns
Large Antique Eland Horns On A Wooden Plaque
Antique Black Forest Antlers /horns
Small Vintage Horns
Antique Turtle Shell
Large Pair Of Black Forest Antlers
![taxidermy rams head Antique Taxidermy Rams Head](
![large stags head Large Antique Stags Head](
![vintage 1930s taxidermy head VINTAGE 1930S TAXIDERMY HEAD](
![vintage 1930s antelope head VINTAGE 1930S ANTELOPE HEAD](
![taxidermy black forest ANTIQUE TAXIDERMY BLACK FOREST](
![two pairs of antlers h TWO PAIRS OF ANTIQUE ANTLERS H](
![water buffalo skull ho ANTIQUE WATER BUFFALO SKULL HO](
![eland horns on a woode ANTIQUE ELAND HORNS ON A WOODE](
![black forest antlers h ANTIQUE BLACK FOREST ANTLERS H](
![small vintage horns SMALL VINTAGE HORNS](
![turtle shell Antique Turtle Shell](
![large pair of black forest ant LARGE PAIR OF BLACK FOREST ANT](