Christmas gifts less than £250
Found 867 For Sale and Sold ( 683 for sale 184 sold )
$311.68 €298.78
Vintage Hand Made Miniature Books & BookcaseElder Books And Collectables
$187.01 €179.27
Victorian Silver Shell Purse, Circa 1880Julie Cartwright Antiques
$274.27 €262.92
ART DECO Blue Glass Bowl/dish With Textured LeavesArtdecoart
$269.29 €258.14
1960s Mahogany Shop SignD And A Binder Ltd
$168.3 €161.34
Hermes Equipage Facile Perfume Display BottleArt Furniture
$149.6 €143.41
Hermes Belami Facile Display Bottle.Art Furniture
$168.3 €161.34
Hermes Amazone Facile Shop Display Perfume BottleArt Furniture
$305.44 €292.8
Aesthetic Period Copper Coal ScuttleArt Furniture
$305.44 €292.8
Hand Carved Chinese Boxwood FigureElder Books And Collectables
$230.64 €221.09
Limoges Pate Sur Pate Plaque Of A Dancing GirlTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts
$280.51 €268.9
Antique Silver Vesta Case By William Hair Haseler Robert Belcher Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
Cranberry Glass Box With Guinea Fowl On Lid.Goodwin Antiques
$246.85 €236.63
Edwardian Silver & Bristol Blue Glass BasketSturmans Antiques Ltd
$280.51 €268.9
Royal Dux Cockatoo Vladds Interiors
$137.14 €131.46
Pair Of Victorian Silver DishesNewark Antiques And Interiors
$243.11 €233.04
Carrol Boyes Man Magazine HolderCeltic Antiques
$249.34 €239.02
Art Deco Silver Cigarette Case Goldsmiths & Silversmiths ComBurnell And Rowe
$193.24 €185.24
Art Deco Karess Woodworth Compact MirrorThe Vintage Compact Shop
$210.69 €201.97
Victorian Silver Plated Two Bottle Decanter StandSturmans Antiques Ltd
$243.11 €233.04
A Scottish Silver And Agate Specimen Brooch C1890Robert Belcher Antiques
$218.17 €209.14
Large Late Victorian Oak Ink StandWorboys Antiques And Clocks
$305.44 €292.8
Antique Creamware Corinthian CandleholdersPaul Doran Antiques
$180.77 €173.29
1950's Chinese Silk Embroidered Reversible JacketBarnhill Trading Co.
$280.51 €268.9
Silver Novelty Ships Wheel Bridge Marker Paul Watson Antiques
$187.01 €179.27
York Stone Headstone Gravestone Dated 1868Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$187.01 €179.27
York Stone Headstone Gravestone Victorian Gothic Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$180.77 €173.29
9ct Gold & Silver Hunting Horn Pin BroochForte Antiques York
$137.14 €131.46
A Pair Of Swedish Silver Shot CupsNewark Antiques And Interiors