Christmas Gifts For Children

Found 196 For Sale and Sold    ( 139 for sale  57 sold )  
Large Victorian Pine Doll Cot£125 $155.15   €150.39 Large Victorian Pine Doll CotKnight Fine Antiques & Collectables George V Silver Egg Cup, E.S. Barnsley, 1921£100 $124.12   €120.31 George V Silver Egg Cup, E.S. Barnsley, 1921Burnell And Rowe George V Silver Baby Spoon, Glasgow, 1930£50 $62.06   €60.16 George V Silver Baby Spoon, Glasgow, 1930Burnell And Rowe Doll French Antique Bisque Head£895 $1110.87   €1076.77 Doll French Antique Bisque HeadSovereign Antiques
Franz Schmidt German Doll Circa 1915, FS&C 1295£150 $186.18   €180.47 Franz Schmidt German Doll Circa 1915, FS&C 1295Tyne Valley Antiques Antique Scottish Poker-work Milking Stool.£325 $403.39   €391.01 Antique Scottish Poker-work Milking Stool.Vladds Interiors George V Silver Egg Cup, William Neale, 1933£145 $179.97   €174.45 George V Silver Egg Cup, William Neale, 1933Burnell And Rowe 1800s Country Stool£195 $242.03   €234.6 1800s Country StoolMillers Antiques Of Wooler
Two Bookcases Boat Shaped Reclaimed Pine 6 FT 8£1285 $1594.94   €1545.98 Two Bookcases Boat Shaped Reclaimed Pine 6 FT 8Trade Antiques Antique Victorian Staffordshire Flatback House £295 $366.15   €354.91 Antique Victorian Staffordshire Flatback House London City Antiques Vintage Silver Bookmark With Dolphin Detail 1987£75 $93.09   €90.23 Vintage Silver Bookmark With Dolphin Detail 1987Woodbridge Antiques Silver Nursery Rhyme Spoon Levi & Salaman 1920£110 $136.53   €132.34 Silver Nursery Rhyme Spoon Levi & Salaman 1920Woodbridge Antiques
Fine Georgian Apprentice Piece Chest Of Drawers£1875 $2327.25   €2255.81 Fine Georgian Apprentice Piece Chest Of DrawersNewark Antiques And Interiors Quality 1980s Spanish Foosball Kicker Table£5800 $7198.96   €6977.98 Quality 1980s Spanish Foosball Kicker TableAnthony Short Antiques Ltd Flower Fairies Collection Of 1st Ed Cicely Barker£695 $862.63   €836.15 Flower Fairies Collection Of 1st Ed Cicely BarkerElder Books And Collectables Vintage Rocket Lava Lamp£995 $1234.99   €1197.08 Vintage Rocket Lava LampPeppermill Interiors
Pair Of George III Oak Childs Armchairs£550 $682.66   €661.71 Pair Of George III Oak Childs ArmchairsWalton House Antiques Pair Of Herend Porcelain Bunny Rabbit Figurines£115 $142.74   €138.36 Pair Of Herend Porcelain Bunny Rabbit FigurinesHobson May Collection Herend Bunny Rabbit Figurine With Ear Up£130 $161.36   €156.4 Herend Bunny Rabbit Figurine With Ear UpHobson May Collection Early 19th Century Scandinavian Painted Box£440 $546.13   €529.36 Early 19th Century Scandinavian Painted BoxNewark Antiques And Interiors
C.19th Elm Windsor Country Childs Rocking Chair£219 $271.82   €263.48 C.19th Elm Windsor Country Childs Rocking ChairAire Valley Antiques Vernacular Country Windsor Chair£660 $819.19   €794.05 Vernacular Country Windsor ChairNewark Antiques And Interiors Apprentices Miniature Bookcase On Cupboard£310 $384.77   €372.96 Apprentice's Miniature Bookcase On CupboardMichael Armson Antiques 5 Original Dandy Comics£275 $341.33   €330.85 5 Original Dandy ComicsNewark Antiques And Interiors
Pair Of 1890 New Old Stock Fairground Ride Horses£4950 $6143.94   €5955.35 Pair Of 1890 New Old Stock Fairground Ride HorsesRoyal House Antiques Silver Christening Mug By Frank W. Smith, Mass. US£425.00 $527.51   €511.32 Silver Christening Mug By Frank W. Smith, Mass. USD.J. Massey And Son Miniature Herend Bunny Rabbit Figurine£95 $117.91   €114.29 Miniature Herend Bunny Rabbit FigurineHobson May Collection 20th Century Miniature Longcase Clock£185 $229.62   €222.57 20th Century Miniature Longcase ClockThe Clock Barn