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@ Rait Antique Centre
Perthshire, Scotland PH2 7RT
Open: The centre is open 7 days a week.
CandelabrasCandlesticksChandeliersFloor / Standard LampsLanternsMiscellaneous LightingOil LampsTable Lamps / LightsWall Lights
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Found 62 Archived/Sold items, displaying 1 to 12. (1 For Sale)
Victorian Brass Adjustable Student Lamp
SOLD £100
SOLD $130.49 €119.46
Scottish Strathearn Tulip Shape Lamp In Yellow
SOLD £265
SOLD $345.8 €316.57
Scottish Vasart Tulip Shape Lamp
SOLD £295
SOLD $384.95 €352.41
Stunning Regency Gilt Bronze Table Lamp
SOLD £445
SOLD $580.68 €531.6
Pair Of 18th Century Ejectors Candlesticks
SOLD £235
SOLD $306.65 €280.73
Super Georgian 4 Branch Student Lamp
SOLD £195
SOLD $254.46 €232.95
Georgian 2 Branch Adjustable Student Lamp
SOLD £145
SOLD $189.21 €173.22
Fine Quality Pair Of Mahogany Candlesticks
SOLD £245
SOLD $319.7 €292.68
Most Unusual Pair Of Victorian Candlesticks
SOLD £115
SOLD $150.06 €137.38
Good Pair Of "Queen Of Diamonds" Candlesticks
SOLD £115
SOLD $150.06 €137.38
Fine Pair Of Gilded Bronze Wall Lights
SOLD £695
SOLD $906.91 €830.25
18th Cenury Oak Tripod Candlestand
SOLD £345
SOLD $450.19 €412.14