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Perthshire, Scotland PH2 7RT
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Found 99 Archived/Sold items, displaying 85 to 96. (1 For Sale)
Good Pair Of 18th Century Brass Candlesticks
SOLD £100
SOLD $127.47 €117.07
Fine Regency Toleware Tray. Original Decoration
SOLD £135
SOLD $172.08 €158.04
Unusual Chinese Style Toleware Tea Box. C. 1880
SOLD £495
SOLD $630.98 €579.5
Good Georgian Copper & Brass Planter. C. 1800
SOLD £100
SOLD $127.47 €117.07
Fine Early 18th Century Copper & Brass Jug
SOLD £100
SOLD $127.47 €117.07
Stylish Victorian Registered Iron Door Stop
SOLD £175
SOLD $223.07 €204.87
Rare Victorian Benham & Froud Copper Crepe Pan
SOLD £100
SOLD $127.47 €117.07
Huge Georgian Copper Saucepan By Mores, London
SOLD £100
SOLD $127.47 €117.07
Georgian Brass "rams Horn" Shoe Horn
SOLD £56
SOLD $71.38 €65.56
19th Century Dutch Adjustable Candlestick
SOLD £100
SOLD $127.47 €117.07
Fine Pair Georgian Petal Base Brass Candlesticks
SOLD £285
SOLD $363.29 €333.65
Good Set Of Six Victorian Copper Measures
SOLD £265
SOLD $337.8 €310.24