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Perthshire, Scotland PH2 7RT
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Found 99 Archived/Sold items, displaying 37 to 48. (1 For Sale)
Fine Pair OF Early Georgian Brass Candlesticks
SOLD £235
SOLD $299.55 €275.11
Pair Of Early Pewter Measures Or Tankards
SOLD £67
SOLD $85.4 €78.44
Early 18th Century Georgian Cruise Lamp
SOLD £78
SOLD $99.43 €91.31
Georgian Copper Gill Measure
SOLD £56
SOLD $71.38 €65.56
Late 19th Century Pewter Jug By R. Davis, London
SOLD £45.00
SOLD $57.36 €52.68
Large Early 19th Century Pewter Flagon
SOLD £67
SOLD $85.4 €78.44
18th Century Georgian Copper Jelly Mould
SOLD £135
SOLD $172.08 €158.04
Huge Georgian Oval Toleware Tray. C. 1820
SOLD £345
SOLD $439.77 €403.89
Pair Queen Anne Style Pewter Candlesticks
SOLD £165
SOLD $210.33 €193.17
17th Century Continental Pewter Alms Dish
SOLD £295
SOLD $376.04 €345.36
18th Century Continental Pewter Alms Dish
SOLD £195
SOLD $248.57 €228.29
Victorian Cast Iron "Mr Punch" Doorstop
SOLD £115
SOLD $146.59 €134.63