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Perthshire, Scotland PH2 7RT
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Found 99 Archived/Sold items, displaying 13 to 24. (1 For Sale)
Good Heavy Victorian Copper Pan & Lid
SOLD £100
SOLD $126.68 €116.64
18th Century Battersea Enamel Fretted Basket
SOLD £195
SOLD $247.03 €227.45
Regency Hand Painted Toleware Oval Tray
SOLD £185
SOLD $234.36 €215.78
18th Century Dutch Oak & Brass Wall Placque
SOLD £145
SOLD $183.69 €169.13
Good Heavy Duty Victorian Copper Pan
SOLD £145
SOLD $183.69 €169.13
Good 19th Century Bronze Door Stop
SOLD £195
SOLD $247.03 €227.45
Victorian Cast Brass & Marble Tazza
SOLD £165
SOLD $209.02 €192.46
Victorian Round Copper Jelly Mould
SOLD £100
SOLD $126.68 €116.64
Fine Pair Of Early 18th Century Candlesticks
SOLD £235
SOLD $297.7 €274.1
Georgian Brass Heart Shape Chestnut Roaster
SOLD £100
SOLD $126.68 €116.64
Large Benham & Froud Copper Raosting Pan
SOLD £295
SOLD $373.71 €344.09
Set Of 3 Large Victorian Copper Measures
SOLD £175
SOLD $221.69 €204.12