Georgian Scottish mahogany 8 day longcase clock

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Georgian Scottish mahogany cased 8 day longcase clock by ROBERT STIRLING of STIRLING (working 1820-1860). Nicely proportioned mahogany case with boxwood line inlay and mahogany cross banding. Nice dentil cornice to the hood and dentil moulding around the base of the hood. Swan neck pediment.

Nicely painted dial with original gilded brass hands. Original 8 day movement with working date and second hand. Original painted pendulum and cast iron weights.

Movement has been fully serviced and is in perfect working order.
DateMid Victorian : 1830 MakerROBERT STIRLING Dimensions83" high overall. 19 1/2" wide at the widest point. 10 1/2" front to back at the widest point. Codeas273a133 Price SOLD £1850.00 StatusSold SellerCarse Antiques Telephone01821 670770Non UK callers :+44 1821 670770


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