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Carse Antiques
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Perthshire, Scotland PH2 7RT
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Fine set of four carved oak panels. Circa 1720

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Fine set of four / three 18th century carved oak panels of the most wonderful detail. These have been part of wall paneling originally and consist of two small panels and one large double panel glued together sometime in the 19th century.They depict four of the saints in various different scenes and are extremely well carved.
It was in completely white and un-cared for condition when it first came in and has been carefully revived and waxed up in many cases with a toothbrush. The more waxes it gets the better it will shine.
Formely part of a private collection from a castle in the North of Scotland.
DateEarly 18th Century :
Dimensions37" long by 21" wide
ConditionGood for age.
Price SOLD £1250.00
SellerCarse Antiques
Telephone01821 670770Non UK callers :+44 1821 670770
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