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Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Proprietor: Alan Othick
Tel : 07769293827, Centre no. 01274 592103
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2nd Floor, Salts Mill
Victorian Road, Saltaire
Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 3LA
Open: Open: Wednesday to Sunday 11am-4pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday..
Bedroom FurnitureBenchesChairsChestsDressersStoolsOccasional / Side / Other TablesBedsBookcases / SecretairesCabinetsChest of DrawersCountry ChairsCupboardsDesks / Writing TablesDining Chairs / Chair SetsDining Tables / Dining FurnitureGames TablesWall FurnitureMiscellaneous FurnitureSofas / Settees / Salon SuitesSewing TablesSideboards, Credenzas, ChiffoniersStands / Hall FurnitureWardrobes
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for sale
Found 15 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (150 Archived/Sold)
19th Century Gothic Oak Reliquary Cupboard.
$490.35 €472.93
Victorian Royal Devon Umbrella / Stick Stand
$397.25 €383.14
18th Century Mahogany Wash Stand
$558.63 €538.79
Early 20th Century Oak Child's Rocking Chair.
$366.21 €353.2
Early 20th Century American Elm Rocking Chair
$434.49 €419.06
Six Victorian Carved Mahogany Balloon Back Chairs
$1613.82 €1556.49
Pair Of Late 19th Century French Throne Chairs
$1489.68 €1436.76
Arts & Crafts Tiled Side Table
$310.35 €299.33
Antique Handcarved Oak Wall Cupboard.
$403.46 €389.12
Early 20th Century Globe Wernicke Library Chair.
$434.49 €419.06
Early 20th Century American Style Rocking Chair.
$434.49 €419.06
Late Victorian Mahogany Miniature Scottish Chest
$360.01 €347.22