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Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Proprietor: Alan Othick
Tel : 07769293827, Centre no. 01274 592103
Email :
Web :
2nd Floor, Salts Mill
Victorian Road, Saltaire
Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 3LA
Open: Open: Wednesday to Sunday 11am-4pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday..
Desk Accessories
For Sale
for sale
Found 8 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 8. (40 Archived/Sold)
Victorian Silver & Glass Inkwell & Pen Stand
$492.84 €474.75
Art Deco Bronze Polar Bear Desk Seal
$742.38 €715.13
Liberty & Co Tudric Pewter Inkwell.
$555.23 €534.85
Victorian Travelling Inkwell Leather Rugby Ball.
$436.7 €420.67
Late 19th Century Large Cut Glass Inkwell.
$324.4 €312.49
Mid 19th Century Inkwell & Quill Holder.
$224.59 €216.34
Arts & Crafts Silver Mounted Oak Blotter.
$474.13 €456.72
Arts & Crafts Silver On Copper Document Holder.
$112.29 €108.17