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Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Proprietor: Alan Othick
Tel : 07769293827, Centre no. 01274 592103
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2nd Floor, Salts Mill
Victorian Road, Saltaire
Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 3LA
Open: Open: Wednesday to Sunday 11am-4pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday..
Watercolour of H.M.S Canopie by William Mitchell.

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Fine watercolour of H.M.S Canopie by William Frederick Mitchell.(1845-1915).William Frederick Mitchell was a British artist commissioned to paint many naval and merchant ships.Mitchell's collected works were originally published in The Royal Navy in a series of illustrations.Many are in the National Maritime Museum Collection in Greenwich, England. Mitchell lived most of his life near Portsmouth and painted pictures of Royal Navy and merchant ships for their officers and owners. He also illustrated Brassey's Naval Annual. Mitchell's works are numbered and run to more than 3,500. His medium was principally watercolour but he painted some oils as well.I superb condition. Frame measurements - 15.5inches x 12.5inches. Picture measurements - 6inches x 4.5inches.Date19th Century
ArtistWilliam Frederick Mitchell
Price SOLD £475.00
SellerCarlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Telephone07769293827Non UK callers :+44 7769293827
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