Inlaid Kingwood French Double Bed

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A beautiful French double bed in inlaid kingwood dating to circa 1900. Of standard 4 ft 6" size and very well constructed. Attractive kingwood veneers onto a mahogany frame. Further decorated with inlaid detailing in satinwood and walnut. Embellished with crisply cast gilt metal mounts. Cleaned and waxed in our workshops and now offered for sale in excellent condition, with a lovely colour and patina. Splits into 4 sections for ease of installation.

Width 154cms
Length 208cms
Height 139cms
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Camden Antiques
units 20 & 19
The vinery
West Sussex
Date1900s : 1900 Codeas402a3896 / 18194 Price SOLD £1250.00 StatusSold SellerCamden Antiques Telephone07887 503904Non UK callers :+44 7887 503904


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