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Arundel Decorative
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Merchants Hall
rear of 18 High Street
West Sussex BN18 9AB
Open most weekdays & weekends but please telephone first.
Bedroom FurnitureBenchesChairsChestsDressersCountry / Farmhouse TablesStoolsOccasional / Side / Other TablesBedsBookcases / SecretairesCabinetsChest of DrawersCountry ChairsCupboardsDesks / Writing TablesDining Chairs / Chair SetsGames TablesMiscellaneous FurnitureSofas / Settees / Salon SuitesSideboards, Credenzas, ChiffoniersStands / Hall Furniture
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for sale
Found 10 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 10. (96 Archived/Sold)
Bear Coat Rack, Umbrella And Stick Stand
$1226.24 €1179.27
19th Century Goanese Chest
$801.06 €770.38
Nautical Painted Chest From Bristol
$801.06 €770.38
Pair Of French Decorative Gilt Upholstered Chairs
$431.34 €414.82
Red Lacquer Oriental Low Table
$492.96 €474.08
Pair Of Painted Victorian Chairs
$308.1 €296.3
Edwardian Display Cabinet
$733.28 €705.19
Victorian Pine Cupboard In Ochre Yellow
$677.82 €651.86
Early 18th Century German Bureau
$1725.36 €1659.28
French Empire Secretaire
$924.3 €888.9
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