Mahogany Antique Treen

Found 145 For Sale and Sold    ( 32 for sale  113 sold )  
Antique Treen Mushroom£45.00 $58.01   €53.63 Antique Treen MushroomMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques George III Mahogany Ribbed Plate Bucket£1750 $2255.93   €2085.48 George III Mahogany Ribbed Plate BucketGeorgian Antiques  Pr 19 Th C Brass And Mahogany Planters£275 $354.5   €327.72 Pr 19 Th C' Brass And Mahogany PlantersMichael Allcroft Antiques A George III Cheese Coaster£675.00 $870.14   €804.4 A George III Cheese CoasterLittlemoor Antiques
Large Vintage Turned Christmas Tree, English£975 $1256.87   €1161.91 Large Vintage Turned Christmas Tree, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Georgian Mahogany Bottle Coaster  Georgian Mahogany Bottle CoasterWalton House Antiques Pair Of Treen Wig Or Hat Stands£125 $161.14   €148.96 Pair Of Treen Wig Or Hat StandsMichael Armson Antiques Ltd Georgian Carved Mahogany Coaster C1800£485 $625.21   €577.97 Georgian Carved Mahogany Coaster C1800S W Muggeridge Antiques
Rare Pair Of Irish Decanter Stands C1800£3500 $4511.85   €4170.95 Rare Pair Of Irish Decanter Stands C1800S W Muggeridge Antiques Georgian Mahogany Shoe Snuff Box£140 $180.47   €166.84 Georgian Mahogany Shoe Snuff BoxPark Lane Antiques George II Mahogany Wig Stand  George II Mahogany Wig StandWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) George III Period Mahogany Cheese Coaster  George III Period Mahogany Cheese CoasterSturmans Antiques Ltd
Treen Mahogany Magnum Wine Bottle Coaster£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Treen Mahogany Magnum Wine Bottle CoasterLeslie And Baggott Two Edwardian Charger Stands  Two Edwardian Charger StandsJohn Howkins Antiques Early 19c Oyster Bucket£725 $934.6   €863.98 Early 19c Oyster BucketSalisbury Antiques Centre Treen Butter Knife Rack£220.00 $283.6   €262.17 Treen Butter Knife RackLemon Tree Antiques
Regency Mahogany Circular Card Tray£120 $154.69   €143 Regency Mahogany Circular Card TrayHarveys Antiques Apprentice Pieces 2 Windsor Chairs & Table£500 $644.55   €595.85 Apprentice Pieces 2 Windsor Chairs & TableAntiques & Chic Attractive Vintage Mahogany Lidded Coopered Bucket£195 $251.37   €232.38 Attractive Vintage Mahogany Lidded Coopered BucketAbacus Antiques Mahogany Pedestal Goblet On A Multi-stepped Foot  Mahogany Pedestal Goblet On A Multi-stepped FootDaryl Yeates Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Cheese Coaster  Georgian Mahogany Cheese CoasterWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Fine Victorian Ticket Sellers Box C1870  Fine Victorian Ticket Sellers Box C1870Welsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Mahogany Coin Tray£165 $212.7   €196.63 Antique Mahogany Coin TrayCourtyard Antiques Victorian Mahogany Coin Bowl£72 $92.82   €85.8 Victorian Mahogany Coin BowlCourtyard Antiques
Victorian Mahogany Coin Bowls£74 $95.39   €88.19 Victorian Mahogany Coin BowlsCourtyard Antiques Victorian Mahogany & Bone Reel Stand & Pin Cushion£290.00 $373.84   €345.59 Victorian Mahogany & Bone Reel Stand & Pin CushionTerrier Antiques At Hebden Bridge Edwardian Boot Jack£145 $186.92   €172.8 Edwardian Boot JackCourtyard Antiques Regency Mahogany And Brass Pipe And Tobacco Holder£225 $290.05   €268.13 Regency Mahogany And Brass Pipe And Tobacco HolderCourtyard Antiques