George V Antique Silver

Found 1441 For Sale and Sold    ( 157 for sale  1284 sold )  
A Pair Of Silver Topped Heart Shaped Vanity Jars£155.00 $194.11   €186.05 A Pair Of Silver Topped Heart Shaped Vanity JarsJeff Sims Antiques George V Silver Topped Dressing Table Pot, 1919£50 $62.62   €60.02 George V Silver Topped Dressing Table Pot, 1919Burnell And Rowe George V Solid / Sterling Silver Biscuit Box 1910£1400 $1753.22   €1680.42 George V Solid / Sterling Silver Biscuit Box 1910Puckerings Antiques Antique English Solid Silver Collapsible Cup 1911£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 Antique English Solid Silver Collapsible Cup 1911Puckerings Antiques
George V Silver Teapot, Synyer & Beddoes, 1911£495 $619.89   €594.15 George V Silver Teapot, Synyer & Beddoes, 1911Burnell And Rowe 2 X George V Silver Napkin Rings, R. Pringle, 1917£135 $169.06   €162.04 2 X George V Silver Napkin Rings, R. Pringle, 1917Burnell And Rowe George V Cut Glass Vase With Silver Rim, Bham, 1921£100 $125.23   €120.03 George V Cut Glass Vase With Silver Rim, B'ham, 1921Burnell And Rowe George V Silver Topped Dressing Table Pot, 1916£50 $62.62   €60.02 George V Silver Topped Dressing Table Pot, 1916Burnell And Rowe
Antique English Sterling Silver Jewellery Box £695 $870.35   €834.21 Antique English Sterling Silver Jewellery Box Puckerings Antiques Fine Pair Silver & Cairngorm Stone Napkin Rings £495 $619.89   €594.15 Fine Pair Silver & Cairngorm Stone Napkin Rings Puckerings Antiques George V Silver Cream Jug, F Higgins, 1935£180 $225.41   €216.05 George V Silver Cream Jug, F Higgins, 1935Burnell And Rowe George V Silver Photo Frame, Birmingham, 1921£195 $244.2   €234.06 George V Silver Photo Frame, Birmingham, 1921Burnell And Rowe
George V Silver Baby Spoon, Glasgow, 1930£50 $62.62   €60.02 George V Silver Baby Spoon, Glasgow, 1930Burnell And Rowe Silver George V Pepper Pot£95 $118.97   €114.03 Silver George V Pepper PotGuy Ellis Antiques George V Silver Egg Cup, William Neale, 1933£145 $181.58   €174.04 George V Silver Egg Cup, William Neale, 1933Burnell And Rowe George V Silver & Tortoiseshell Hair Tidy£99 $123.98   €118.83 George V Silver & Tortoiseshell Hair TidyGuy Ellis Antiques
George V Silver Mounted Tidy Pot, Bham, 1923£45 $56.35   €54.01 George V Silver Mounted Tidy Pot, B'ham, 1923Burnell And Rowe Art Deco Silver Sugar Caster£195 $244.2   €234.06 Art Deco Silver Sugar CasterWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Superb George V Silver Flour Dredger / Sugar Caster£315.00 $394.47   €378.09 Superb George V Silver Flour Dredger / Sugar CasterJeff Sims Antiques George V Silver Napkin Ring, Rolason Bros, 1921£30 $37.57   €36.01 George V Silver Napkin Ring, Rolason Bros, 1921Burnell And Rowe
George V Silver Table Lighter, Chester, 1915£125 $156.54   €150.04 George V Silver Table Lighter, Chester, 1915Burnell And Rowe Solid Silver Photo Frame, Birmingham 1917£175 $219.15   €210.05 Solid Silver Photo Frame, Birmingham 1917Julie Cartwright Antiques George V Silver Mounted Dressing Table Pot, 1919£65 $81.4   €78.02 George V Silver Mounted Dressing Table Pot, 1919Burnell And Rowe George V Cut Glass Salt With Silver Rim, 1919£25 $31.31   €30.01 George V Cut Glass Salt With Silver Rim, 1919Burnell And Rowe
Pair Of George V Silver Serving Spoons£225 $281.77   €270.07 Pair Of George V Silver Serving SpoonsGuy Ellis Antiques Set Silver Bladed Dessert Knives & Forks£270 $338.12   €324.08 Set Silver Bladed Dessert Knives & ForksAcanthus Silver George V Silver Mounted Claret Jug, Bham, 1920£400 $500.92   €480.12 George V Silver Mounted Claret Jug, B'ham, 1920Burnell And Rowe Sterling Silver Jug£95 $118.97   €114.03 Sterling Silver JugHunter Campbell Antiques