Miscellaneous Antiques

Found 2013 For Sale and Sold    ( 443 for sale  1570 sold )  
1930s Dumb Waiter£145 $186.92   €172.8 1930s Dumb WaiterCourtyard Antiques Pair Of Mid-century Brass Pineapple Ice Buckets£390 $502.75   €464.76 Pair Of Mid-century Brass Pineapple Ice BucketsThe Vintage Trader Papier Mache Footbath£135 $174.03   €160.88 Papier Mache FootbathCourtyard Antiques Pair Of Early Fire Extinguishers  Pair Of Early Fire ExtinguishersPrometheus Antiques
Sculptural 19thC Death Mask On Integral Pedestal£280.00 $360.95   €333.68 Sculptural 19thC Death Mask On Integral PedestalDoe And Hope V.Good C.1930 Ventriloquist’s Dummy Silas Brown£880.00 $1134.41   €1048.7 V.Good C.1930 Ventriloquist’s Dummy 'Silas Brown'Doe And Hope Quality Antique English Silver Plated Grape Stand£465 $599.43   €554.14 Quality Antique English Silver Plated Grape StandPuckerings Antiques Quality Victorian Polished Oak Tantalus£679 $875.3   €809.16 Quality Victorian Polished Oak TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd
Fabulous Pair English Regency Face Screens C.1820£665 $857.25   €792.48 Fabulous Pair English Regency Face Screens C.1820Puckerings Antiques Brass Bird Cage - Late C19£175 $225.59   €208.55 Brass Bird Cage - Late C19Market Square Antiques The Gainsborough Gold Colour Box C.1900£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 'The Gainsborough Gold Colour Box' C.1900Doe And Hope A Pretty C.1900 Spherical Brass Bird Cage£325.00 $418.96   €387.3 A Pretty C.1900 Spherical Brass Bird CageDoe And Hope
Fine 18th Century Georgian Brass Ice Pail£175 $225.59   €208.55 Fine 18th Century Georgian Brass Ice PailCarse Antiques And Restoration 9ct Gold Charles Horner Thimble£270 $348.06   €321.76 9ct Gold Charles Horner ThimblePenrose Antiques Vintage Tantalus And Two Decanters£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 Vintage Tantalus And Two DecantersMelbourne Antiques Large Late 19th Century Brass & Iron Bird Cage  Large Late 19th Century Brass & Iron Bird CageLVS Decorative Arts
Fabulous Antique Tin Coffee Bin In Original Paint  Fabulous Antique Tin Coffee Bin In Original PaintMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique French Gilded Bronze Photograph Frames£435 $560.76   €518.39 Antique French Gilded Bronze Photograph FramesPuckerings Antiques Rare Pair Of Scottish Bell Metal Measures£125 $161.14   €148.96 Rare Pair Of Scottish Bell Metal MeasuresCarse Antiques And Restoration Courvoisier Ice Bucket  Courvoisier Ice BucketBarnhill Trading Co.
Cold Painted Spelter Table Lighter.£185 $238.48   €220.46 Cold Painted Spelter Table Lighter.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Victorian Brass Doorstop In The Form Of A Baccanal£240 $309.38   €286.01 Victorian Brass Doorstop In The Form Of A BaccanalChurch Street Antiques Art Deco Green Goddess Striker Lighter£215 $277.16   €256.22 Art Deco Green Goddess Striker LighterGifford Antiques Rare Pair Of 1780s Plaster Life Masks Of Servants£980.00 $1263.32   €1167.87 Rare Pair Of 1780s Plaster Life Masks Of ServantsDoe And Hope
Art Deco Cocktail Set £155 $199.81   €184.71 Art Deco Cocktail Set Merchant House Antiques Avery Jockey Scales£1050.00 $1353.56   €1251.29 Avery Jockey ScalesWoodys Antiques Pair Art Deco Cubist Penguin Spelter Book Ends£125 $161.14   €148.96 Pair Art Deco Cubist Penguin Spelter Book EndsGifford Antiques Fine Victorian Oak Betjeman Tantalus/Games Box  Fine Victorian Oak Betjeman Tantalus/Games BoxAntiques At Leeds