Medical Antiques

Found 269 For Sale and Sold    ( 76 for sale  193 sold )  
Circa 1930 Opticians Synoptophore £225 $290.05   €268.13 Circa 1930 Opticians Synoptophore Hunter Campbell Antiques Medical Instruments In Box With Label London£85 $109.57   €101.29 Medical Instruments In Box With Label LondonOld Birds Antiques 19th C Blue Apothecary Jar£75 $96.68   €89.38 19th C Blue Apothecary JarHawthornes Antiques Antique Metal Leg.£190 $244.93   €226.42 Antique Metal Leg.Roger Grimes Antiques
Set Of Three Glass Apothecary Jars£45.00 $58.01   €53.63 Set Of Three Glass Apothecary JarsMelbourne Antiques Two Victorian Apothecary Bottles £95.00 $122.46   €113.21 Two Victorian Apothecary Bottles Melbourne Antiques British Red Cross Devonshire President WW 1 Badge£60 $77.35   €71.5 British Red Cross Devonshire President WW 1 BadgeAntique Rarities Set Of 29 Chemists Jars / Apothecary Jars£1095.00 $1411.56   €1304.91 Set Of 29 Chemists Jars / Apothecary JarsAthey Antiques
Plaster Skull£175.00 $225.59   €208.55 Plaster SkullLemon Tree Antiques American Frohse Anatomical Chart - Kidneys£110.00 $141.8   €131.09 American Frohse Anatomical Chart - KidneysTwojays Corner Antiques Large American Frohse Anatomical Chart£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Large American Frohse Anatomical ChartTwojays Corner Antiques Anatomical Model Of The Human Ear£250 $322.28   €297.93 Anatomical Model Of The Human EarArt Furniture
Collection Of Anatomy Osteology Wall Hanging Plaqu£200 $257.82   €238.34 Collection Of Anatomy Osteology Wall Hanging PlaquArt Furniture Rare French Childs Leather Surgical Corset £495 $638.1   €589.89 Rare French Childs Leather Surgical Corset Elmgarden Victorian Glass Measure In Leather Bound Case£21.00 $27.07   €25.03 Victorian Glass Measure In Leather Bound CaseYore Antiques 16th Century Spanish Or Italian Mortar£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 16th Century Spanish Or Italian MortarAileen Cameron Decorative Antiques
17th Century Bronze Mortar. London£525 $676.78   €625.64 17th Century Bronze Mortar. LondonAileen Cameron Decorative Antiques Keelers Cardel Opthalmascope  Keelers Cardel OpthalmascopeJepson Hughes Medical Paediatric Sygmoidascope  Paediatric SygmoidascopeJepson Hughes Medical Medical - Maxwells Box  Medical - Maxwells BoxJepson Hughes Medical
Set Of Three Victorian Apothecary Jars, Circa 1890£140 $180.47   €166.84 Set Of Three Victorian Apothecary Jars, Circa 1890Julie Cartwright Antiques 39 Chemist Bottles £300 $386.73   €357.51 39 Chemist Bottles Smiths Vintage Small Antique Pharmacists Measuring Cup, English£125 $161.14   €148.96 Small Antique Pharmacist's Measuring Cup, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Ellis Son & Paramore Sheffield Wheelchair  Ellis Son & Paramore Sheffield WheelchairDaryl Yeates Antiques
14 Italian Apothecary Jars C.1910£2295 $2958.48   €2734.95 14 Italian Apothecary Jars C.1910Collinge Antiques 51 Piece Surgeons / Medical Instrument Set,c1890£1795 $2313.93   €2139.1 51 Piece Surgeons / Medical Instrument Set,c1890Curious Antiques Anotomical Charts Six Off (very Cheap)£100 $128.91   €119.17 Anotomical Charts Six Off (very Cheap)Limited Editions French Blue Glass Apothecary Jars  French Blue Glass Apothecary JarsWillows Antiques & Interiors