Victorian Antique Ceiling Lights

Found 175 For Sale and Sold    ( 40 for sale  135 sold )  
Elegant French Bronze Empire Ceiling Light£600 $773.46   €715.02 Elegant French Bronze Empire Ceiling LightPyrontique Late 19thc. Brass Rise & Fall Hanging Light£525 $676.78   €625.64 Late 19thc. Brass Rise & Fall Hanging LightPiers Pisani Antiques Arts & Crafts Brass Centre Light With Glass Shade  Arts & Crafts Brass Centre Light With Glass ShadeRed House Antiques Arts And Crafts Ceiling Light Pendant  Arts And Crafts Ceiling Light PendantArt Furniture
Arts And Crafts Ceiling Lamp Vaseline Shades  Arts And Crafts Ceiling Lamp Vaseline ShadesArt Furniture Brass Nouveau Heart Ceiling Lamp  Brass Nouveau Heart Ceiling LampArt Furniture Pretty Arts And Crafts Ceiling Light With Flowers   Pretty Arts And Crafts Ceiling Light With Flowers Art Furniture Victorian Brass Gasolier Chandelier Large Cranberry Shade£295 $380.28   €351.55 Victorian Brass Gasolier Chandelier Large Cranberry ShadeRams Head Antiques
Victorian Brass Gasolier Chandelier Cranberry Glas£225 $290.05   €268.13 Victorian Brass Gasolier Chandelier Cranberry GlasRams Head Antiques Victorian Solid Brass Light Cut Glass Bombe Shade£285 $367.39   €339.63 Victorian Solid Brass Light Cut Glass Bombe ShadeRams Head Antiques Victorian Brass Gasolier Chandelier Pretty Green G£245 $315.83   €291.97 Victorian Brass Gasolier Chandelier Pretty Green GRams Head Antiques Good Quality Victorian Rise & Fall 2 Branch Chande£495 $638.1   €589.89 Good Quality Victorian Rise & Fall 2 Branch ChandeRams Head Antiques
 Arts And Crafts Ceiling Lights   Arts And Crafts Ceiling Lights Art Furniture Antique Dish Light  Antique Dish LightPaul Michael Farnham Late 19thc.  Brass Rise & Fall Light£475 $612.32   €566.06 Late 19thc. Brass Rise & Fall LightPiers Pisani Antiques Holophane Ceiling Light  Holophane Ceiling LightArt Furniture
Pair Arts & Crafts Brass Hanging Lamps  Pair Arts & Crafts Brass Hanging LampsKadensek And Ward A Pair Of Chrome Plated Pendant Ceiling Lights£2800 $3609.48   €3336.76 A Pair Of Chrome Plated Pendant Ceiling LightsWestland London 19th.c. Gilded Brass Porch Light C.1880. £695 $895.92   €828.23 19th.c. Gilded Brass Porch Light C.1880. Collinge Antiques WAS Benson Copper Ceiling Light£1200 $1546.92   €1430.04 WAS Benson Copper Ceiling LightThe Two Arthurs
Arts And Crafts Ceiling Light , Copper And Brass  Arts And Crafts Ceiling Light , Copper And BrassArt Furniture 19th French Ceiling Flame Frosted Glass And Bronze£295 $380.28   €351.55 19th French Ceiling Flame Frosted Glass And BronzeAntiques Affair Large Gothic Brass Hanging Light C.1920.£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Large Gothic Brass Hanging Light C.1920.Collinge Antiques Pair Large Victorian Lamps Pineapple Cranberry   Pair Large Victorian Lamps Pineapple Cranberry Antiques Affair
Art Nouveau Vaseline/Cranberry Glass Ceiling Light£450 $580.1   €536.27 Art Nouveau Vaseline/Cranberry Glass Ceiling LightThe Two Arthurs Very Rare William Birch Centre Hanging Light  Very Rare William Birch Centre Hanging LightRed House Antiques 19th Century Cranberry Glass Hanging Lantern£295.00 $380.28   €351.55 19th Century Cranberry Glass Hanging LanternHarveys Antiques Art Nouveau Enamelled Ceiling Shade  Art Nouveau Enamelled Ceiling ShadeAntiques Affair