Cloisonne - Japanese

Found 214 For Sale and Sold    ( 49 for sale  165 sold )  
19th Century Chinese Cloisonne Vase£125.00 $153.98   €147.78 19th Century Chinese Cloisonne VaseLornel Trading Ltd Pair Of Japanese Ginbari Cloisonne Vases.£330 $406.49   €390.13 Pair Of Japanese Ginbari Cloisonne Vases.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Oriental Early C20th Cloisonne Large Ginger Jar£150.00 $184.77   €177.33 Oriental Early C20th Cloisonne Large Ginger JarSlades Antiques 19th Century Chinese Cloisonne Jardiniere£850.00 $1047.03   €1004.87 19th Century Chinese Cloisonne JardiniereImperial Antiques
Champleve Enamel Ginger Jar.£50 $61.59   €59.11 Champleve Enamel Ginger Jar.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre 19th Century Japanese Cloisonne Vase£180.00 $221.72   €212.8 19th Century Japanese Cloisonne VaseImperial Antiques Fine Pair Of Early 20th C. Japanese Cloisonne Jars  Fine Pair Of Early 20th C. Japanese Cloisonne JarsAntiques At Leeds Decorative Pair Oriental Bronze Cloisonne Vases£650.00 $800.67   €768.43 Decorative Pair Oriental Bronze Cloisonne VasesImperial Antiques
Superb Early 19th C Chinese Enamel Jardiniere£6500.00 $8006.7   €7684.3 Superb Early 19th C Chinese Enamel JardiniereImperial Antiques Late 19thc Japanese Cloisonne Charger  Late 19thc Japanese Cloisonne ChargerLVS Decorative Arts 19th C Japanese Cloisonne Lidded Box£580.00 $714.44   €685.68 19th C Japanese Cloisonne Lidded BoxImperial Antiques 19th Century Japanese Cloisonne Plate£150.00 $184.77   €177.33 19th Century Japanese Cloisonne PlateImperial Antiques
Wonderful Japanese Cloisonne Bowl£350.00 $431.13   €413.77 Wonderful Japanese Cloisonne BowlMillbrook Antiques 19th C Japanese Cloisonne Ginbari Censor£650.00 $800.67   €768.43 19th C Japanese Cloisonne Ginbari CensorImperial Antiques 19th Century Japanese Dish / Charger£400.00 $492.72   €472.88 19th Century Japanese Dish / ChargerImperial Antiques Beautiful Pair Cloisonne Vases C1900£345.00 $424.97   €407.86 Beautiful Pair Cloisonne Vases C1900Millbrook Antiques
Quality 19thC Japanese Cloisonne Koro£1200.00 $1478.16   €1418.64 Quality 19thC Japanese Cloisonne KoroImperial Antiques Cloisonne Dragon Vase  Cloisonne Dragon VaseMansion House Antiques    