Chinese Bowls
Found 297 For Sale and Sold ( 90 for sale 207 sold )
$397.64 €386
Nanking Cargo Tea Bowl & Saucer - Chrysanthemum Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
$409.87 €397.88
FINE Small Chinese Hardwood Vase StandCarse Antiques And Restoration
$190.87 €185.28
Four 18thc Chinese Export Blue White Tea BowlsGoodwin Antiques
$275.29 €267.23
First Period Worcester Old Japan Fan BowlPenrose Antiques
Riveted Chinese Qianlong Famille Rose BowlPrometheus Antiques
$4282.25 €4156.95
Large 17th Century Chinese Celadon BowlImperial Antiques
$104 €100.95
Early 20th Century Plannished Brass BowlAntiques And Interiors
$507.75 €492.9
Oriental Bronze Vase Bowl Planter Japanese ChinesePrior And Willis Antiques
$507.75 €492.9
Oriental Bronze Vase Bowl Planter Japanese ChinesePrior And Willis Antiques
$709.63 €688.87
18th Century Chinese Celadon BowlImperial Antiques
$550.58 €534.47
18th Century Chinese Celadon BowlImperial Antiques
$116.23 €112.83
Pair Of Chinese Qing Dynasty Bronze Koi CarpWhere Memories Meet
$1101.15 €1068.93
Early 20th C Chinese Jade BowlImperial Antiques
$7952.75 €7720.05
Superb Early 19th C Chinese Enamel JardiniereImperial Antiques
$1162.33 €1128.32
Large 19th C Chinese Canton BowlImperial Antiques
$1095.03 €1062.99
Rare Chinese Ming Dynasty Gilt Bronze Elephant PotDoe And Hope
$183.53 €178.16
Chinese Export Silver Spoon SetTarka Antiques