Antique Boxes
Found 5338 For Sale and Sold ( 1245 for sale 4093 sold )
$495.76 €477.56
Antique Burr Walnut Tunbridgeware Inlaid Work BoxUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$244.74 €235.76
Small Vintage Chinese Goose Pot, Lacquer, Art DecoLondon Fine Antiques
$1819.9 €1753.05
Regency Tortoise Shell Tea Caddy C1820S W Muggeridge Antiques
$244.74 €235.76
Cast Iron Tobacco BoxNewsum Antiques
$1882.65 €1813.5
German Concealed Erotic Snuff Box C.1820Puckerings Antiques
$495.76 €477.56
Victorian English Card & Games Box Circa 1840’s School House Antiques
$376.53 €362.7
Walnut Brass Banded Campaign Writing SlopeSB And Son Antiques
$219.64 €211.58
Decorative Re Painted 19th Century Wine Box, TrugElmgarden
$357.7 €344.57
Oriental Carved Camphor Wood Chest, Jewellery CaskElmgarden
$282.4 €272.03
19th Century Original Folk Art Painted Chest Of DrElmgarden
$332.6 €320.39
Oriental Carved Camphor Wood ChestElmgarden
$181.99 €175.31
Decorative Re Painted 19th Century Wine Box, TrugElmgarden
$1060.56 €1021.61
Antique Campaign Salt Cellar, Chinese, Pine, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$815.82 €785.85
An Edwardian Country House Oak Post BoxPiers Pisani Antiques
$94.13 €90.68
Pewter Mounted Horn Snuff Box, Dated 1838Forte Antiques York
$119.23 €114.86
Antique Artist’s Paint BoxPareglio & Ayres Antiques
$1223.72 €1178.78
Oyster Veneered Champagne BoxLT Antiques
$307.5 €296.21
George 3rd Mahogany & Inlaid Tea Caddy, Complete. Carse Antiques
$439.29 €423.15
Hexagonal Shaped Porcupine Quill BoxGeorgian Antiques
$307.5 €296.21
Georgian Inlaid Mahogany Dome Top BoxCarse Antiques
$50.2 €48.36
A BOX By Any Means BUT Different!Those Were The Days
$1248.82 €1202.96
Music Box Playing Ten Airs With Inlaid CaseSovereign Antiques
$621.27 €598.46
Russian Painted Tabletops Snuff BoxSovereign Antiques
$307.5 €296.21
Chinese Bamboo / Lacquer Rice Carrier,c1890Curious Antiques
$621.27 €598.46
Edwardian Oak 'in House' Letter Box By Maple & Co.The Dorking Desk Shop
$307.5 €296.21
19th Century Rosewood Tea CaddyMichael Allcroft Antiques
$533.42 €513.83
Antique Regency Rosewood &Brass InlaidBridgend Antiques
$1110.76 €1069.97
Antique Mahogany Serpentine Shaped Storage BoxLondon City Antiques