20th Century Antique Folk Art

Found 420 For Sale and Sold    ( 132 for sale  288 sold )  
Huge French Iron Hen House Cockerel   Huge French Iron Hen House Cockerel Paul Michael Farnham Decoy Duck  Decoy DuckWestbank Antiques Doulton The Wiltshire Moonrakers Series Ware Plate£185 $230.03   €220.76 Doulton The Wiltshire Moonrakers Series Ware PlateJohn Austin Antiques Arts & Crafts / Folk Art Chair£55.00 $68.39   €65.63 Arts & Crafts / Folk Art ChairBrookside Antiques
Rare Scandinavian Cradle Or Crib Edwardian Pine £295 $366.8   €352.02 Rare Scandinavian Cradle Or Crib Edwardian Pine Cloverleaf Home Interiors 19th Century Carved & Painted Wooden Rocking Horse  19th Century Carved & Painted Wooden Rocking HorseElmgarden Folk Art Wooden Horse£95.00 $118.12   €113.36 Folk Art Wooden HorseYore Antiques Papier Mache Decoys From Plasy Gwyn House, Wales£190 $236.25   €226.73 Papier Mache Decoys From Plasy Gwyn House, WalesRob Hall Antiques
Folk Art Embroidered & Applique Linen Peg Bag  Folk Art Embroidered & Applique Linen Peg BagPaul Michael Farnham Amateur Made Pond Yacht Hull  Amateur Made Pond Yacht HullWelsh Vernacular Furniture Folk Art Antique Jumping Jack Toy  Folk Art Antique Jumping Jack ToyPaul Michael Farnham Pretty Edwardian Welsh Love Spoon  Pretty Edwardian Welsh Love SpoonWelsh Vernacular Furniture
Early Welsh Cage Lovespoon   Early Welsh Cage Lovespoon Welsh Vernacular Furniture Small Austrian Folk Art Painted Chest£85 $105.69   €101.43 Small Austrian Folk Art Painted ChestNook Antiques Pitcairn Island Flying Fish£225 $279.77   €268.49 Pitcairn Island Flying FishNook Antiques Duck Carved Edwardian Wooden Decoy Duck Folk Art £145 $180.29   €173.03 Duck Carved Edwardian Wooden Decoy Duck Folk Art Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Antique Wood Carved Deer Head With Antlers.   Antique Wood Carved Deer Head With Antlers. Prichard Antiques Irish Folk Art Shillelagh  Irish Folk Art ShillelaghJohn Howkins Antiques A Set Of French Duck Decoys  A Set Of French Duck DecoysWilliam James Antiques And Interiors Vintage Equestrian Hanging Sign. U113  Vintage Equestrian Hanging Sign. U113Prichard Antiques
Portrait Of A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel£2750 $3419.35   €3281.58 Portrait Of A Cavalier King Charles SpanielRob Hall Antiques Antique Decoy Duck  Antique Decoy DuckBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Folk Art Childrens  Wheelbarrow   Antique Folk Art Childrens Wheelbarrow Eras Of Style  Pine Dresser£525 $652.79   €626.48 Pine DresserMichael Allcroft Antiques
Impressive Decorative Folk Art Carved Wooden Panel£435 $540.88   €519.09 Impressive Decorative Folk Art Carved Wooden PanelPyrontique Pair Folk Art Decoy Ducks  Pair Folk Art Decoy DucksWelsh Vernacular Furniture Fairground Sign Pull Handle Gently£65 $80.82   €77.56 Fairground Sign Pull Handle GentlyNook Antiques Folk Art International Stores Shop Display C1910£295 $366.8   €352.02 Folk Art International Stores Shop Display C1910Cloverleaf Home Interiors