Brass Antique Telescopes
Found 178 For Sale and Sold ( 24 for sale 154 sold )
$1213.32 €1164.47
Antique 3 Draw Telescope, English, LeatherLondon Fine Antiques
$197.09 €189.15
Brass Telescope - 19th CenturySunnyside Antiques
$979.28 €939.85
Vintage Military Terrestrial Telescope, CanadianLondon Fine Antiques
$1102.46 €1058.07
Vintage 2 Draw Telescope, English, Leather, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$240.2 €230.53
19th Century Brass Five-draw TelescopeLincolnshire Antiques
$1213.32 €1164.47
Antique 3 Draw Telescope, English, Brass, LeatherLondon Fine Antiques
$1102.46 €1058.07
Antique 2 Draw Telescope, English, Chromed BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$997.76 €957.58
19th Century Library TelescopeNewark Antiques And Interiors
$461.93 €443.33
Lovely Early Brass 4 Draw Telescope.The Dorking Desk Shop
$1595.18 €1530.95
Victorian Cased Telescope On Stand By ChadburnJason Clarke Antiques
$1102.46 €1058.07
4' Long Antique Telescope, English, Silvered BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$2457.44 €2358.49
Small Georgian Telescope On Stand By Matthew BergeJason Clarke Antiques
$1595.18 €1530.95
Regency Cased Telescope On Stand By Joseph Smith Jason Clarke Antiques
$30.8 €29.56
A Miniature 19th Century Brass Telescope 10cm Those Were The Days
$172.45 €165.51
Beautiful Antique French MicroscopeBygone Lighting Antiques
$1472 €1412.73
Antique 3 Draw Telescope, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$1816.91 €1743.75
Antique 3 Draw Telescope, English, TerrestrialLondon Fine Antiques
$1964.72 €1885.61
Cased Telescope On Stand By Carpenter & WestleyJason Clarke Antiques
$3510.63 €3369.27
Large Antique Library Starboy Telescope London Fine Antiques
$1164.05 €1117.18
Antique Three Draw Telescope, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$646.7 €620.66
2-Draw Day / Night Telescope By Harris & Son C1820Antique Ethos
$271 €260.08
Edwardian Telescope Tripod Smiths Vintage
$338.75 €325.11
Brass & Leather Original Ships Naval TelescopeNautical Bygones
$1539.75 €1477.75
Antique Telescope, Large, Single Draw Refractor, London Fine Antiques
$2124.86 €2039.3
Antique 5 Draw Telescope, English, TerrestrialLondon Fine Antiques
$2278.83 €2187.07
Antique Library Telescope, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$3017.91 €2896.39
Antique Maritime Telescope, English, Brass, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques
$609.74 €585.19
Large Brass & Leather Telescope - Dollond LondonMiddletons Antiques