American Antique, Vintage Vanity and Fashion Accessories

Found 197 For Sale and Sold    ( 39 for sale  158 sold )  
Vintage Coty Envelope Powder Compact 1940s  Vintage Coty Envelope Powder Compact 1940sThe Vintage Compact Shop Rare Antique Compacts Colgate 1930s  Rare Antique Compacts Colgate 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop Unused Coty Envelope Compact NOS 1940s  Unused Coty Envelope Compact NOS 1940sThe Vintage Compact Shop Antique Richard Hudnut Rouge 1930s  Antique Richard Hudnut Rouge 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop
Art Deco Handbag With Butterscotch Bakelite Handle£245 $305.44   €292.8 Art Deco Handbag With Butterscotch Bakelite HandleDeco-World Romantic Gifts For Her Elgin American Compact  Romantic Gifts For Her Elgin American CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Gifts For Her Vintage Lucite Powder Compact 1940s  Gifts For Her Vintage Lucite Powder Compact 1940sThe Vintage Compact Shop Vintage Bridesmaids Gifts Vintage Compact  Vintage Bridesmaids Gifts Vintage CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop
Copper Wedding Gifts Evans Mesh Compact 1930s  Copper Wedding Gifts Evans Mesh Compact 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop Rare Dorothy Gray Rainbow Compact 1940s  Rare Dorothy Gray Rainbow Compact 1940sThe Vintage Compact Shop Rare Art Deco Powder Compacts 1930s  Rare Art Deco Powder Compacts 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop Rare Antique Compacts Gifts For Her  Rare Antique Compacts Gifts For HerThe Vintage Compact Shop
Rare Cleopatra Vanity Box Art Nouveau 1910  Rare Cleopatra Vanity Box Art Nouveau 1910The Vintage Compact Shop Unused Coty ENVELOPE Novelty Compact 1940s  Unused Coty ENVELOPE Novelty Compact 1940sThe Vintage Compact Shop  Mothers Day Gifts Coty Airspun Vintage Compact  Mothers Day Gifts Coty Airspun Vintage CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Richard Hudnut Art Deco Faces Compact£185 $230.64   €221.09 Richard Hudnut Art Deco Faces CompactDeco-World
Antique Silver Christmas Gifts For Her Compact  Antique Silver Christmas Gifts For Her CompactThe Vintage Compact Shop Vintage Bridesmaids Gifts Compact Mirror  Vintage Bridesmaids Gifts Compact MirrorThe Vintage Compact Shop Rare Pearl Wedding Gifts For Her Compact 1948  Rare Pearl Wedding Gifts For Her Compact 1948The Vintage Compact Shop Rare Terri Art Deco Compact Spanish Dancing Couple  Rare Terri Art Deco Compact Spanish Dancing CoupleThe Vintage Compact Shop
Rare ZELL Flower Basket Novelty Compact 1940s  Rare ZELL Flower Basket Novelty Compact 1940sThe Vintage Compact Shop Vintage Powder Compacts 1950s Bridesmaids Gifts  Vintage Powder Compacts 1950s Bridesmaids GiftsThe Vintage Compact Shop Antique Pompeian Bloom Compact Rouge 1920  Antique Pompeian Bloom Compact Rouge 1920The Vintage Compact Shop UNUSED Volupte Musical Powder Box  UNUSED Volupte Musical Powder BoxThe Vintage Compact Shop
Antique Compact Mirrors Bridesmaids Gifts 1930s  Antique Compact Mirrors Bridesmaids Gifts 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop Antique Compact Mirrors Bridesmaids Gifts 1930s  Antique Compact Mirrors Bridesmaids Gifts 1930sThe Vintage Compact Shop Mavco Lucite Compact 1940s Flapjack 4"  Mavco Lucite Compact 1940s Flapjack 4"The Vintage Compact Shop Last Minute Gifts Musical Minaudiere 1940s VOLUPTE  Last Minute Gifts Musical Minaudiere 1940s VOLUPTEThe Vintage Compact Shop