20th Century Antique and Vintage Radios
Found 23 For Sale and Sold ( 4 for sale 19 sold )
$358.48 €351.58
Murphy 146 RadiogramPelican Antiques
$911.4 €893.85
Art Deco RadioSovereign Antiques
Vintage Danish Bang And Olufsen 900RG Teak RadiogramCotswold House Antiques
$78.99 €77.47
Circa 1930-40 Stentorian Minor Cabinet SpeakerHunter Campbell Antiques
Danish Teak Bang And Olufsen 900RG RadiogramCotswold House Antiques
$121.52 €119.18
Vintage Philips Stereo Record PlayerPeppermill Interiors
$1519 €1489.75
Original Condition Jost Patent Radio Hot Air FanAntique Fan Supply Co.
Philco 1938 Peoples Radio Set For RestorationKadensek And Ward
Ever Ready Bakelite RadioTwojays Corner Antiques
Vintage Portable Record Player & Transistor Radio.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$236.96 €232.4
1960 HMV Cabinet RadiogramEclectic Antiques
$103.29 €101.3
Portadyne U680 5 Valve 3 WAY Radio WalnutProper Vintage
Braun Atelier 1-81 Stereo By Dieter Rams C1960Art Furniture
$212.66 €208.57
Bakelite Bush TelevisionLemon Tree Antiques
Grundig Radio 3D SoundTwojays Corner Antiques
$480 €470.76
Murphy 146 Radio By Gordon Russell.Collinge Antiques
$480 €470.76
Baird M.648 Television & CabinetWitch Antiques
$97.22 €95.34
French Valve Nox RadioPyrontique
$601.52 €589.94
Philco 40-180 Art Deco Valve Radio C.1939.Collinge Antiques
$115.44 €113.22
A Large Early 20thC Aluminium Horn Loud SpeakerDoe And Hope
$534.69 €524.39
Operational Art Deco Bakelite RadioDoe And Hope
$155.55 €152.55
Bakelite RadioAfonwen Antique Centre
$0.01 €0.01
Ekco Portable TVRiver Antiques