1900 Antique WMF Metalware

Found 183 For Sale and Sold    ( 45 for sale  138 sold )  
Victorian Cast Brass Pineapple Doorstop  Victorian Cast Brass Pineapple DoorstopPaul Doran Antiques Rare Arts & Crafts Isolde Print In A Copper Frame  Rare Arts & Crafts Isolde Print In A Copper FrameRed House Antiques Newlyn Copper Posy Bowl   Newlyn Copper Posy Bowl Arts And Craft Antiques A Fine 19th C Brass Desk Bell£145 $186.92   €172.8 A Fine 19th C Brass Desk BellLincolnshire Antiques
Late 19th And 20th Century Horse Brasses. £24 $30.94   €28.6 Late 19th And 20th Century Horse Brasses. Anthony House Antiques Antique Indian Kashmir Bowl Hand Painted Brass£110 $141.8   €131.09 Antique Indian Kashmir Bowl Hand Painted BrassRams Head Antiques Brass Tankard 2nd Ww Memorabilia£60 $77.35   €71.5 Brass Tankard 2nd Ww MemorabiliaLimited Editions Champagne Bollinger Cork Remover  Champagne Bollinger Cork RemoverBarnhill Trading Co.
Scottie Dog Boot Scraper£240.00 $309.38   €286.01 Scottie Dog Boot ScraperLemon Tree Antiques Antique Decorative Censer, Chinese, Bronze£1195 $1540.47   €1424.08 Antique Decorative Censer, Chinese, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Arts And Crafts Repousse Copper Casket£195 $251.37   €232.38 Arts And Crafts Repousse Copper CasketBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) Guild Of Handicraft Attributed Oval Copper Box   Guild Of Handicraft Attributed Oval Copper Box Penrose Antiques
Victorian Cornish Serpentine Doorstop  Victorian Cornish Serpentine DoorstopPrometheus Antiques Art Nouveau Pewter Covered Egg Dish  Art Nouveau Pewter Covered Egg DishPrometheus Antiques Vintage Copper Tray By John Pearson  Vintage Copper Tray By John PearsonSunnyside Antiques Antique Candlesticks, Novelty Hunting Horns£245 $315.83   €291.97 Antique Candlesticks, Novelty Hunting HornsAntiques & Chic
Pretty Pair Of Chinese Cloisonne Champleve Vases£195 $251.37   €232.38 Pretty Pair Of Chinese Cloisonne Champleve VasesRams Head Antiques Decorative French Mirrored Table Tray Centrepiece £115 $148.25   €137.05 Decorative French Mirrored Table Tray Centrepiece Anthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques Cast Iron Mallard Duck Door Porter  Cast Iron Mallard Duck Door PorterHobson May Collection Keswick K.S.I.A. Arts And Crafts Brass Letter Rack£295 $380.28   €351.55 Keswick K.S.I.A. Arts And Crafts Brass Letter RackThe Two Arthurs
Rare Arts & Crafts Peacock Charger A E Jones  Rare Arts & Crafts Peacock Charger A E JonesRed House Antiques Early 20th Century Grape Hod  Early 20th Century Grape HodHobson May Collection Four Art Nouveau Metal Finger Plates. Maidens.  Four Art Nouveau Metal Finger Plates. Maidens.Red House Antiques WMF Art Nouveau Planished Brass & Enamel Planter Jardinière £345 $444.74   €411.14 WMF Art Nouveau Planished Brass & Enamel Planter Jardinière Rams Head Antiques
Pretty Pair French Brass Photograph Frames   Pretty Pair French Brass Photograph Frames Kingsdown Antiques Antique Planter, English, Copper, Pot, Circa 1900£395 $509.19   €470.72 Antique Planter, English, Copper, Pot, Circa 1900London Fine Antiques Collection Of Corkscrews£85.00 $109.57   €101.29 Collection Of CorkscrewsHavard And Havard Copper & Brass Tidy Betty£120.00 $154.69   €143 Copper & Brass 'Tidy Betty'Terrier Antiques