Antique Planters and Jardinieres

Found 364 For Sale and Sold    ( 94 for sale  270 sold )  
Dutch Art Nouveau Brass Planter / Jardinière  Dutch Art Nouveau Brass Planter / JardinièreAntique Furniture Direct Victorian Brass Planter  Victorian Brass PlanterSturmans Antiques Ltd Liberty & Co, Tudric Pewter Bowl Or Planter C.1910£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Liberty & Co, Tudric Pewter Bowl Or Planter C.1910Chapmanpugh Modern Antiques Antique Brass Jardiniere  Antique Brass JardiniereSturmans Antiques Ltd
Arts & Crafts Copper Jardiniere With Tulips  Arts & Crafts Copper Jardiniere With TulipsRed House Antiques Arts And Crafts Ruskin Pottery Copper Planter£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Arts And Crafts Ruskin Pottery Copper PlanterThe Two Arthurs Victorian Floral Embossed Brass Planter£350 $451.19   €417.1 Victorian Floral Embossed Brass PlanterChurch Street Antiques Art Nouveau Brass Planter Jardiniere£450 $580.1   €536.27 Art Nouveau Brass Planter JardiniereChurch Street Antiques
Large Arts & Crafts Copper Jardiniere Honesty Pods  Large Arts & Crafts Copper Jardiniere Honesty PodsLevels Antiques Arts & Crafts Copper Planter With Pine Cones  Arts & Crafts Copper Planter With Pine ConesLevels Antiques Pair Of Arts And Crafts Copper Planters£980 $1263.32   €1167.87 Pair Of Arts And Crafts Copper PlantersChurch Street Antiques Large Brass Lion Mask Handled Planter  Large Brass Lion Mask Handled PlanterSturmans Antiques Ltd
Quality Victorian Brass Jardiniere On A Stand£465 $599.43   €554.14 Quality Victorian Brass Jardiniere On A StandUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Large 19th C Antique Planter. Brass Jardiniere£395 $509.19   €470.72 Large 19th C Antique Planter. Brass JardiniereMiddletons Antiques Verdigris Copper Planter Or Log  Bin£545.00 $702.56   €649.48 Verdigris Copper Planter Or Log BinVerity Antiques Arts And Crafts Copper And Brass Planter£420 $541.42   €500.51 Arts And Crafts Copper And Brass PlanterChurch Street Antiques
John Pearson Arts And Crafts Newlyn Copper Urn£6500 $8379.15   €7746.05 John Pearson Arts And Crafts Newlyn Copper UrnThe Two Arthurs Signed Keswick Copper Jardiniere H Towers  Signed Keswick Copper Jardiniere H TowersLevels Antiques Glasgow Style Celtic Arts & Crafts Brass Planter  Glasgow Style Celtic Arts & Crafts Brass PlanterLevels Antiques Antique Brass Middle Eastern Jardiniere£68 $87.66   €81.04 Antique Brass Middle Eastern JardiniereSaltwood Antiques
Victorian Arts And Crafts Beaten Copper Jardiniere£650 $837.92   €774.61 Victorian Arts And Crafts Beaten Copper JardiniereChurch Street Antiques Late 19thC Brass Urn Shaped Wine Cooler£550 $709.01   €655.44 Late 19thC Brass Urn Shaped Wine CoolerChurch Street Antiques Victorian Brass Planter  Victorian Brass PlanterSturmans Antiques Ltd Victorian Copper Jardiniere Planter£180 $232.04   €214.51 Victorian Copper Jardiniere PlanterChurch Street Antiques
Victorian Painted Wirework Planters£510.00 $657.44   €607.77 Victorian Painted Wirework PlantersOffbeat Interiors Victorian Brass Planter  Victorian Brass PlanterSturmans Antiques Ltd Late 19thC Copper And Brass Jardiniere£480 $618.77   €572.02 Late 19thC Copper And Brass JardiniereChurch Street Antiques Large 19th Century North African Brass Jardiniere   Large 19th Century North African Brass Jardiniere Elmgarden